[p2p-research] Fwd: 2012 Time for Change : DVD Release

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 18 04:51:31 CET 2010

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From: Reality Sandwich <news at realitysandwich.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 3:18 AM
Subject: 2012 Time for Change : DVD Release
To: "michelsub2004 at gmail.com" <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

      [image: RealitySandwich.com]<http://www.realitysandwich.com/sites/realitysandwich.civicactions.net/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=7618&qid=1073926>

Dear Evolver and Reality Sandwich Community,

We are delighted to announce that, after years of dedicated effort, we
have officially released the DVD of our documentary, 2012: Time for
Change <http://www.realitysandwich.com/sites/realitysandwich.civicactions.net/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=7630&qid=1073926>,
just in time for the Winter Solstice and the traditional
holiday season. The beautifully packaged DVD includes two hours of
extra interview material with Sting and other luminaries.

We are approaching two years exactly before the infamous end of the
Mayan Calendar's great cycle. For a vast majority of people, the year
“2012” remains associated with something ominous and frightening - the
“end of the world” in fire, flood, or nuclear wipeout. Our documentary
is the first film to propose an entirely different perspective on what
this time of prophecy means - a “conscious evolution” and an “archaic
revival,” potentially a global homecoming into a cooperative state of
being, where we collaborate to redesign our society - our economy,
agriculture, cities, means of producing energy, and so on - to create
a thriving planetary culture for the human family as a whole.

Naturally, getting a message such as this one out to the mainstream
has been challenging. The review of the film in The New York Times,
for example, was perplexing in its hostility - one would think that
even if a reviewer disagreed with our conclusions, they would still
want other people to consider the film’s hopeful vision. Apparently,
this is not the case.

To this date, much of the support for the film and its message has
come from the Evolver community - and for this, we thank you. Now we
ask that you please consider buying a copy of the film for yourself,
and for the important people in your life.

2012: Time for Change is a teaching tool: We carefully constructed the
film so that people who have not thought about the ideas in it - such
as the validity of the psychedelic experience, or the prospect for a
major change of consciousness and society - could be opened to a
different way of thought. After seeing the film, many people tell us
that it profoundly changed their sense of what is possible, and what
their own responsibility is to help “be the change.” If you have
friends, parents, cousins, co-workers that you feel would benefit from
receiving this alternative vision of hope and possibility, why not get
a copy of this film for them, as a gift for the holidays?

2012: Time for Change is holding a special sale to honor the Winter
Solstice on December 21 - exactly two years before the 5,125 year Long
Count of the Mayan ends one cycle and begins the next.  This year, for
North and South America, the Winter Solstice includes a stunning total
eclipse of the full moon, making Tuesday an auspicious convergence of
astrological events. To celebrate  the shift of seasons and the
changes in motion, 2012: Time for Change merchandise will be 20% off
at http://2012timeforchange.com
from today through Midnight on Tuesday
(Eastern Time). You are invited to visit the shop and take advantage
of the sale. Just use
the coupon code "solstice" at checkout, and consider
how the ideas in 2012: Time for Change might illuminate the world for
your friends and loved ones.

Thanks for paying attention!

Kind regards,

Daniel Pinchbeck
Editorial Director, Reality Sandwich and Evolver.net


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