[p2p-research] Non digital commons a lot more complicated than Free Software

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Fri Dec 17 19:24:24 CET 2010

M. Fioretti wrote:
> Patrick Anderson wrote:
>> But instead of facing the problem of co-owing Physical Sources, we
>> are told by Eben Moglen, Richard Stallman and many others that each
>> of us must own these things in *absolute isolation* to retain
>> Freedom.
> at least Moglen says we should "in isolation" as you say, our own
> physical servers, but I really don't think or got the impression that
> he tought we could do without a common, centralized, physical telecom
> infrastructure.

Ok, so we need a "physical telecom infrastructure", but then *WHO*
should have control of those Material Means of Production?

Should it be some Wall-Street moguls who intend to subjugate us?

Should it be the Workers who build, install, maintain and improve them?

Should it be the Users who, in the end, pay for all of those costs -
and usually more (when they pay Profit)?

>> We, the Users, will need collectively purchase and/or build and then
>> co-own the material infrastructure that our ISPs and Cell-Phone
>> providers hold against us before we can finally have any real say in
>> how those networks are governed.
> Personally, JUST BECAUSE the material infrastructure is very material,
> very big, very expensive and very polluting to duplicate, in general I
> really don't like proposals of building complete, alternative
> networks.  Much better, much more efficient and much more
> environmentally sound to reform control of what already exist, IMO.

We can reform and gain control through OWNERSHIP.  Owners have
absolute dominion!

We, the Users, *already* pay all the Costs of those networks.  And we
also pay the burden of Profit.

So let us gather together to purchase those Physical Sources *away*
from the tyrants that currently subjugate us in their drive to keep
Price above Cost.

Could you tell me any disadvantages to such an approach?

Are we just frightened?

Is it simply that we lack the skills to organize?

If we, the Users could organize to own the Physical Sources of all
Objectives we seek, would it be a better way, or would there be no

Does it not seem profound that we could then *ignore* those who want
to stop us from achieving our goals?

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