[p2p-research] Fwd: "The War You Don't See" - John Pilger documentary

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 09:26:29 CET 2010

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From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante at ecobytes.net>
Date: Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 1:13 AM
Subject: "The War You Don't See" - John Pilger documentary
To: sustainable_solidarity at yahoogroups.com, hc_ecology at yahoogroups.com

 Interesting documentary that was shown on ITV last night...  about how the
press has been manipulated by various governments etc -  there are some
excerpts on YouTube - pretty harrowing!


John Pilger: The War You Don't See - ITV1, 10.35pm


by Jane Simon, Daily Mirror
 [image: John Pilger: The War You Dont See (pic: ITV)]

“I DIDN’T really do my job properly,” says BBC’s Rageh Omaar. “I hold my
hand up and say we didn’t press the most uncomfortable buttons hard enough.”

That’s just one of a raft of startling admissions from a number of eminent
war correspondents as John Pilger’s quietly sensational and savage
documentary exposes how governments routinely manipulate the media to
promote their wars.

Focusing on Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel, Pilger explains how the practice
of “embedding” journalists within the military not only controls what
they’re allowed to see, but also how they’re allowed to report it, which
would explain, among other things, why Basra was reported to have fallen 17
times before it actually did and how the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s statue
was a made-for-TV moment.

At the very heart of Pilger’s film though is the fact that a massive number
of civilian deaths go almost entirely unreported.

At least a million people have died as a result of the invasion of Iraq.

But you won’t find their names on any war memorials because. As Pilger puts
it: “They are not part of our remembrance.” The programme wouldn’t be
complete of course without Pilger speaking to that other silver-haired
Australian, the controversial and charming Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

As Assange explains how he’s able to get around Britain’s Official Secrets
Act, he provides the only laugh in 90 minutes of extremely uncomfortable and
disturbing viewing.

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