[p2p-research] Vow-Oath as Profession - Missing Block in P2P Gift Economy ? - Networked Vow's ?

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Sun Dec 12 01:24:49 CET 2010


<http://wiki.gifteconomy.org/Vow>If you are interested in co-developing this
idea, or if you already know of such project,
feel free to contact me :)

Dante - http://hitchwiki.org/en/Dante


I would like to make it easier to publicly *make civil Vow's*, or "Oaths",


as to further *increase recognition and support to exercise vow's as a
outside of requirements for employment from a specific employee,

as some kind of *direct "contract" with society, the community, oneself, or
even spiritually* if one wishes to ( for some, a contract with "God" ) ,
but to do so in a "open" and "networked" approach,
*without necessarily relying on centralized power structures ( such as
churches , or other institutions )*,
but rather *on peer recognition and distributed resource allocation*,
including via the use of the internet.

*I would like people to define their own vow,*
*in a modular approach*,
chose the time and context framework of their vow,
and enable them to change the status of their vow, while keeping a record on
and possible contributions by other people.

I imagine registering a url such as http://vow.is

as to enable my.vow.is/abundance ; my.vow.is/nonviolentcommunication ;
my.vow.is/civildisobedience ; my.vow.is/hitchiking ;
my.vow.is/nonmonetarytransactions ; etc

or even some secular vows, such as  "*
, chastity <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chastity>, and ...
 (the vows of religion <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelical_counsels>)*" -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_vows  ;

as it can also be inspired by some secular religious Vows from various
spiritual or religious traditions,
such as this set of rules regarding "simple catholic vow's" - canon law on
religious profession :


I would put a limit to such vows in the legal terms of the platform,
forbidding, for example, direct or indirect threat of life and violence to
people, animals, or flora.
I imagine defining such limits may be tricky, and require a lot of thought
and feeling.

I imagine people can chose for several existing ( compatible ) lifestyle
contracts/licenses ,
or create new ones,
or use it as status , which can be updated.

It can be peer reviewed, or even endorsed by existing institutions,
and accordingly, people may want to support the individuals that share a vow
they feel supports their own intentions, and do this based on transparency
of their actions according to their vow,
practicing what they preach,

or if not, enable suggestions to have a "change of status" in their vow,
such as "I would like to, but temporarily upheld", ...
or simply opt out of the vow, if it does not suit them.

I imagine that although it can be a starting point,
instead of being based solely on, for example,
icann<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICANN>domain names,
it could use a variety of
evolve while blending with inter-operable semantic
web <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_Web> and microformat protocols.

I also imagine that it could evolve into a specific "Vow Contract"
Vocabulary for the semantic web,
which could easily blend with other types of "Transaction Contract"
Vocabularies I am interested in defining,
while also connecting it with social network vocabularies, such as

Or perhaps FOAF could directly be used to define the one or more Vow's one
engages in publicly.

I also imagine it could be combined with various other tools, such as
microblogging ( identica, twitter, ... ),
or enable networked intentional communities to "emerge" out of such
networked databases of vows,
combined with other (meta)data such a geolocation updates.

I imagine this can lead to emergent forms of networked monastic movements.
Including, for example,
but not only, as anyone can make Vow's, even the smallest or shortest in

With as result the empowerment and visualization of needs and
interdependencies as to support Vow's and their intentions.

Dante-Gabryell Monson  - http://hitchwiki.org/en/Dante

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