[p2p-research] Fwd: Justice Department Prepares for Ominous Expansion of "Anti-Terrorism" Law Targeting Activists

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 12 00:34:24 CET 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante at ecobytes.net>
Date: Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 3:50 AM
Subject: Fwd: Justice Department Prepares for Ominous Expansion of
"Anti-Terrorism" Law Targeting Activists
To: sustainable_solidarity at yahoogroups.com, hc_ecology at yahoogroups.com

Justice Department Prepares for Ominous Expansion of "Anti-Terrorism" Law
Targeting Activists

Saturday 11 December 2010

excerpt :

Finding a whole new exception to the First Amendment, the Court decided that
any support, even if it involves nonviolent efforts towards peace, is
illegal under the law since it "frees up other resources within the
organization that may be put to violent ends," and also helps lend
"legitimacy" to foreign terrorist groups. Writing for the majority, Chief
Justice Roberts, despite the lack of any evidence, further opined that the
FTO could use the human rights law to "intimidate, harass or destruct" its
adversaries, and that even peace talks themselves could be used as a cover
to re-arm for further attacks. Thus, *the Court's opinion criminalizes
efforts by independent groups to work for peace* if they in any way
cooperate or coordinate with designated FTOs.

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From: t r u t h o u t <messenger at truthout.org>
Date: Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 9:11 PM
Subject: Justice Department Prepares for Ominous Expansion of
"Anti-Terrorism" Law Targeting Activists
To: dante at ecobytes.net


Saturday 11 December 2010
*Justice Department Prepares for Ominous Expansion of "Anti-Terrorism" Law
Targeting Activists*
Michael Deutsch, Truthout: "In late September, the FBI carried out a series
of raids of homes and antiwar offices of public activists in Minneapolis and
Chicago.... In carrying out these repressive actions, the Justice Department
was taking its lead from the Supreme Court's 6-3 opinion last June in Holder
v. the Humanitarian Law Project, which decided that nonviolent First
Amendment speech and advocacy 'coordinated with' or 'under the direction of'
a foreign group listed by the Secretary of State as 'terrorist' was a
Read the Article<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=NBDJjivC3qXmn0rPgeN%2Bt47ygcCJisj3>

*Sens. Sanders, Brown and Landrieu Conduct Mock Filibuster to Voice
Criticism of Tax Deal (Video)*
Zaid Jilani, ThinkProgress: "Friday morning at approximately 10:30 am, Sen.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) began what he referred to on his Twitter account as a
'filibuster' or 'very long speech' making his case against President Obama's
tax deal, which would prolong the Bush tax cuts for all Americans for two
years, extend unemployment benefits for 13 months, and instate a temporary 2
percent reduction in the payroll tax.... 'What this agreement says is, we're
going to provide huge tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. That is
insane,' argued Sanders."
Read the Article<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=%2FictFPiKcYe3Ur6xSbou2Y7ygcCJisj3>

*US, Allies Seek Even Harsher Sanctions on Iran*
Howard LaFranchi, The Christian Science Monitor: "A senior White House
official on Friday suggested that the US will soon seek adoption of even
tougher sanctions on Iran, having concluded that the international sanctions
reinforced this year are hurting but not yet causing enough hardship to
alter Tehran's behavior."
Read the Article<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=tIiQ6y0aBjMyzyqS7CMhcY7ygcCJisj3>

*Confronting the Myths About Tenure and Teachers' Unions*
Ellen Danin, Truthout: "Current American education policy is built on these
assumptions: The quality of American education has plummeted because our
schools are filled with teachers who can't teach. Teachers' unions and
contracts tie the hands of school administrators. And teachers' unions
protect bad teachers. Here are a few reasons why these conclusions are
leading our educational system in a bad direction."
Read the Article<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=B3EDn492nLAbIsrYdiieoY7ygcCJisj3>

*Pelosi's Hawkish Views Undermine Obama's Middle East Peace Efforts*
Stephen Zunes, Truthout: "There are a number of ironies in the efforts by
conservative Democrats to oust Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as the
Democratic leader for being 'too liberal.' For one, had various combinations
of the Obama White House, the US Senate and 'Blue Dog' House Democrats not
blocked her efforts for a much larger stimulus package and a series of jobs
bills, the impact of the recession would have been far less in the lead-up
to the mid-term elections and Democrats would have likely retained the
Read the Article<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=cWn74tUodreLI8PSCZsz8uBDxpuCYIUm>

*Some Appointees to Oil and Gas Commission Are Industry Execs, Lobbyists*
Marie C. Baca, ProPublica: "The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission
... is increasingly positioning itself as an authority on drilling-related
issues like hydraulic fracturing.... The commission members are appointed by
the member governors. Most are state regulators who oversee gas and oil
drilling, but at least seven states have representatives who are either
lobbyists or energy executives."
Read the Article<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=cHEpfsZ03xWFFwIX03GUpI7ygcCJisj3>

*Participate in a Real "December Review" of the War in Afghanistan*
Brian Terrell, Truthout: "The Obama administration will soon be making
public its 'December Review' assessing the situation in Afghanistan.... A
'December Review' at this time, a month after our occupation of Afghanistan
has exceeded the Soviet's, is a good idea. Yet the review the Obama
administration mandated has been rendered meaningless before it has even
been published; it does not deserve much consideration. This December,
however, is an auspicious time for all Americans to carefully review and
assess the impact of the war at home and abroad and to demand real changes
in policy."
Read the Article<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=ZVp7amiwycDbzRQuYhIjsI7ygcCJisj3>

*President NAFTA Backs President Shafta*
Jeff Cohen, Truthout: "More than a year ago, I warned that Obama would
follow Clinton's lead in winning some of his biggest fights by allying with
the GOP against his own base.... Remember NAFTA, the trade deal loved by big
business and Republicans - and opposed by Democratic constituencies like
unions, environmentalists and consumer advocates? President Clinton passed
NAFTA in 1993 with the votes of nearly 80 percent of GOP senators and almost
70 percent of House Republicans."
Read the Article<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=Re5jFogR9mR%2FJ0cFwR10No7ygcCJisj3>

*For-Profit Schools Bank $521 Million Off Veterans' GI Bill Benefits*
Julianne Hing, ColorLines: "The growing question around for-profit schools'
shameless profiteering may soon be: who aren't they willing to exploit?... A
new report released today by Sen. Tom Harkin's Senate Health, Education,
Labor and Pensions Committee details exactly how for-profit schools have
taken advantage of veterans' benefits and loopholes in their federal
regulations to scoop up the many vets coming home from wars abroad to boost
Read the Article<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=Fs2XvD%2FdML95uS8IEEe5zY7ygcCJisj3>

*Click here for more Truthout


The spirit of Emile Zola's "J'Accuse" was reborn on December 10 inside of a
determined Bernie Sanders, who held viewers across the nation spellbound
with an eight-and-a-half-hour temporary "filibuster" of the Senate.

This was an indictment unlike any we have heard, an exercise in threading
together the patches of truth about our economic system and how Washington,
DC enabled the biggest institutionalized financial scam and defrauding of a
population in history.

BuzzFlash has known Bernie for years, and he has been a loyal reader. He's
always been on target about the issues that matter, including relatively
obscure ones for politicians, such as media consolidation and net

And, although most Americans don't know it because he caucuses with the
Democrats, he officially and proudly considers himself a socialist, and is
classified as an independent in terms of party affiliation.

For years as a congressman and then as a senator from Vermont, he would
blast away at the mistruths and the false, DC-insider, GOP/Democratic
portrayal of our economic system, which has consolidated an extraordinarily
large percentage of the nation's wealth in the hands of a few over the past
three decades. Meanwhile, he has noted that salaries for the working and
middle classes have stagnated, even as worker productivity has increased.

And increased tax cuts for the super-rich under Bush only led to more
unemployment, not the Holy Grail of job creation promised by the GOP and
many of the Dems.

What Bernie did on the floor of the Senate earns him the "BuzzFlash Wings of
Justice" Award for the year. There have been many courageous actions in 2010
by many people, but what Bernie accomplished was to let the genie of truth
out of the bottle, and as much as the White House and the Republicans will
try to ignore it, the truth has a way of going viral.

After many years of news releases and short floor speeches deploring the
economic heist that is taking taking place - with DC's blessing - in
America, Bernie Sanders had had enough.

He was like a rainbow of devastating insight and reality shining across the
Senate chamber.

The infamous White House/GOP tax cut deal will likely pass both the Senate
and House next week and then become law. But Bernie Sanders has opened a
Pandora's box of illumination that will vex the feckless, ever-retreating
White House and the grossly hypocritical Republicans for some time to come.

Bernie, we got your back, because you have ours.

Mark Karlin
Editor, BuzzFlash at Truthout

*Fed Recall Their Recall of Lead Drinking Glasses
*Read the Article at

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Act Passes
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*Read the Article at

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*Click here for more BuzzFlash

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