[p2p-research] Digital Icons Issue 4: War, Conflict and Commemoration in the Age of Digital Reproduction

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Sat Dec 11 21:29:44 CET 2010

2010/12/11 Athina Karatzogianni <athina.k at gmail.com>:
> Hi Michel
> Life with baby: a shift in reality to put it mildly, I dont know if
> Sebastian's photo would reach you but I attach (this is an accidental photo
> I took, I am not very good), he is louder than his mum, if that is possible.
> Thanks for getting the word out re journal. Final corrections were submitted
> a day before I gave birth lol
> You sound busy in the right way.
> Hope everyone on list is enjoying Wikileaks (so rich in issues for p2p
> research)
> Here are a couple of paragraphs of what I did for Digital Icons.

Athina: congratulations for you and Sebastian! That's really great.

(we also have a baby on the way in June)

It's interesting that currently Russia seems to be going against the
grain of official government responses to WikiLeaks.

Personally, I think that every event like wikileaks phenomenon spurs
on the evolution of distributed internet (both the technology and the
world view that desires the technology). As we all discussed back in
Nottingham 2007: networks of people operating in p2p ways will likely
continue to route around obstacles, and attempts to consolidate
control. The nature of their approaches, design philosophies, drive
that direction of evolution. It seems to be that instead of seeing a
massive shift from everyone living and operating in industrial era
paradigm ways to everyone living and operating in "p2p" ways, we
instead for a while end up with many people who retain the industrial
paradigm perspective in tension/evolutionary conflict with a growing
network of people operating in p2p ways. The evolution of p2p
paradigms seems to me to be driven in part by the conflict, and/or by
the disappearance of previous support, infrastructure, and threatened
resources: when all existing institutions are corrupt, people are
trying to turn to one another where possible.

It's also really interesting to compare where mass media seems to have
an influence on cyberconflict, and where cyberconflict is happening
and largely being disregarded by mass media entities.

Sam Rose
Future Forward Institute and Forward Foundation
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

"The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human
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