[p2p-research] Non digital commons a lot more complicated than Free Software

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Wed Dec 8 09:16:18 CET 2010

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 13:17:38 PM +0800, Roberto Verzola (rverzola at gn.apc.org) wrote:
> j.martin.pedersen wrote:

> Although I helped introduce the Internet among Philippine NGOs, I
> eventually realized the dark side of the Internet too, which I
> describe in detail in my book Towards a Political Economy of
> Information (full text available here:
> http://rverzola.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/infoeconomy-verzola.pdf)
> and several other pieces circulating online. I even went as far as
> "logging off", as you suggested (again, I describe this the book)
> and only occasionally using Internet cafes for some searching and
> emailing. I did so for around one year.
> And I truly saw the dilemma. The Internet was so biased in favor of
> big monopolists that to simply join it already made us markets for
> hardware, software, connectivity, consultancies, etc. etc. So, we
> join and we already lose.

Roberto, and Michel,

maybe I'm just sleepy today, but was this message reformatted and
published on the blog or anywhere else already? It is very

The only "defect" (which is not Roberto's fault, of course!) is that
as is is probably too "heavy" for non activists. To fix this "defect"
I would like to do a synthesis of it ( <=500 words) both in english
and italian and publish it on my blog, with CC0 license, sometimes
next week. Is that OK? Of course, if such a synthesis already exists online, thanks for the link!


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