[p2p-research] Non digital commons a lot more complicated than Free Software

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Wed Dec 8 09:10:03 CET 2010

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 18:52:36 PM -0500, Samuel Rose (samuel.rose at gmail.com) wrote:

> Thanks Marco,

You're welcome!

> I'd also add that there is a condition that I am perceiving in some
> of the groups and networks active in Open Source Hardware circles
> that is impeding the uptake of some processes and technologies that
> could create a pathway out of the problem(s) described in your blog
> post.

Before this thread I didn't know at all about Tangible Bit, thanks for
the link. I haven't read enough about it to have a real opinion
yet. My instinctive feeling is that the problems you mentioned, about
different groups of "Open Hardware" people each set on its own way of
doing things, are unavoidable at this stage (it's still just too young
of a movement) and will unavoidably merge and consolidate (on methods
and standards) because it will surely fail otherwise.


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