[p2p-research] Non digital commons a lot more complicated than Free Software

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Wed Dec 8 08:49:40 CET 2010

On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 19:29:58 PM +0000, j.martin.pedersen
(m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk) wrote:

> as a culture - a cultural norm - the material embedding is not
> recognised and in a variety of ways even obscured through
> philosophical ideas and concepts of social organisation that - as
> the subject line still reads, and which is how this exchange came
> about - "Non digital commons a lot more complicated than Free
> Software". This is only true insofar as you see Free Software and
> other digital commons as having no material base.

Just really, really curious about one secondary thing: It looks like I
bear a lot of responsibility for giving that title to that interview.

Given its actual content, which title would have you chosen for that
article, if somebody had told you "don't change one word, but put it
online with a proper title"?

As I said, just really curios, not wishing to argue or make any point!


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