[p2p-research] Non digital commons a lot more complicated than Free Software

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Wed Dec 8 08:33:41 CET 2010

On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 17:32:27 PM +0000, j.martin.pedersen
(m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk) wrote:

> We are not even at a problem solving stage yet, we are still deep in
> denial - nevermind the material aspect, just look at the widespread
> use of, say, Facebook - which is a major agent of enclosure in
> cyberspace - by virtual "commoners".

Well said! This is one of the things that the last wikileaks
development are (luckily, it was about time) making very clear to the
masses: cloud computing, from Gmail to Facebook, is bad for p2p and
civil rights in general. Using it **also** to spread the word
"outside" is very good, or at least unavoidable. Depending on it is
bad. John Naughton said it well on the Guardian:

	     "you should not put your faith in cloud computing – one
	     day it will rain on your parade"


> When enough eyes see the materiality of the virtual, the hack might
> emerge. We are far from that.

The software parts of the "hack" are already all there. All is missing
at that level is integration.


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