[p2p-research] Non digital commons a lot more complicated than Free Software

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Wed Dec 8 08:23:53 CET 2010

Hi folks,

first of all, sorry for starting this very interesting discussion by
sending a link to my own article:


and then dropping completely out of it. I've had a couple of very busy
weeks, still catching up with work after some travels and courses.
For now, just a comment on this:

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 23:41:43 PM +0000, j.martin.pedersen
(m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk) wrote:

> If a digital commoner acknowledged her resource use and had to
> organise that - instead of leaving it to nuclear power and mining
> corporations - than digital commons would be a lot more complicated,
> because they do not only involve virtual light, but an enormous
> amount of resources... digital commoners... need to come to terms
> with energy and resource use and face up to the fact that any
> commons ought to be responsible to the earth for its impact upon it.


what follows is NOT to criticize anybody, just to summarize my own
position in this discussion:

as far as **I** am concerned, I have never hidden behind
immateriality. ME, I've always known very well that the so-called
"cyberspace" is a very physical thing, and that things like the Free
SW movement or even these chats we're having are only possible because
personal computers are affordable, that is only because a few
multinationals use patents and consume a lot of physical resources to
produce them in huge quantities. And I've ever known that, for
example, the "immaterial" software and file formats we use have big,
direct consequences on the physical environment. Here are, from newer
to older, some of the things I've already written that prove this





Now going to catch up with the rest of this discussion

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