[p2p-research] Listmaster Announcement: Possible Migration to New List

Denis Postle d.postle at btinternet.com
Tue Dec 7 07:54:13 CET 2010

On 07/12/2010 03:47, Kevin Carson wrote:
> To what Michel stated I would add that we have received nothing in the
> way of an apology, and no assurances that something similar won't
> happen in the future.  This is an intolerable lack of consideration.
> We have, consequently, taken steps to prepare for a possible migration
> to a new list -- probably another mailman list -- effective Jan. 1.
> This is provisionally planned to take place if the membership agrees
> on it.
That's OK by me.
NB I will be out of reach from tomorrow 8th until 23rd December.

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