[p2p-research] Fwd: Ecocities Emerging - December 2010 Issue

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 4 03:28:11 CET 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kirstin Miller and Richard Register <kirstin at ecocitybuilders.org>
Date: Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 6:49 AM
Subject: Ecocities Emerging - December 2010 Issue
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

Link to webpage version of this newsletter
     [image: ecocitystripheader.jpg]

Ecocities Emerging
To support humanity's transition into the Ecozoic Era
Ecocity Builders
December 2010

Season's Greetings!

Welcome to the December 2010 edition of Ecocities Emerging, an initiative of
Ecocity Builders and the International Ecocity Conference Series.

Since 1992, and building upon a consistent body of work by our founder going
back nearly forty years, Ecocity Builders has been dedicated to reshaping
cities for the long-term health of human and natural systems. In years past,
Ecocity Builders was often called "before its time" and "visionary." But
time has now caught up to our core ideas. Requests for our services have
accelerated both locally and internationally.

On the local front, working with celebrated urbanist Walter Hood of Hood
Design, Ecocity Builders led the public process for the Strawberry Creek
Plaza on Center Street project in Berkeley all the way to an endorsement
from the City Council in March 2010. This was a major victory for the plaza,
which will create the first pedestrian street oasis in the heart of downtown
Berkeley, featuring a portion of Strawberry Creek and deep green design
elements, including underground storm water cisterns and pervious pavers.
This project will likely turn out to be one of the greenest streets in North
America, and we're hoping to certify it under the Living Building
Challenge's "Living Landscape" typology.

This is one of the pieces of the ecocity that we strive to build -
demonstrations that become examples and inspirations, like our earlier creek
daylighting, slow street, live roof, and urban fruit orchard projects.

In West Oakland, we continue to partner with the Black Dot Artists and
Village Bottoms Neighborhood Association to implement the Village Bottoms
Cultural District plan, developed under a grant from the Bay Area Air
Quality Management District. The neighborhood vision falls under a broader
concept, Oakland's Urban Villages, launched several years ago. We used GIS
mapping and worked with the University of California, Berkeley's Department
of City and Regional Planning to develop an evolving ecocity map for
Oakland. The pilot project will show how Oakland could be transformed into a
number of culturally and architecturally unique "urban villages" of various
sizes, linked to a vibrant downtown core through a network of greenways and
transit routes, and enhanced by growing green spaces between centers, for
community gardens, parks, open spaces and habitat corridors. Collaborators
and supporters for the Village Bottoms Cultural District in 2009-2010
included West Coast Green, Kaiser Permanante, Architecture for Humanity,
Free Design Clinic, and Will Allen and his organization Growing Power for
the Village Bottoms Farms project.

Our consulting work grew in 2009-2010. A major commission was a design
charrette and report for the British Columbia Institute of Technology in
Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver's premier trade school has embarked on an
ambitious plan to ramp down its campus' footprint to a "one-planet"
supportive measure. Our job was to help them think through a complete
redesign of the campus into an ecocity environment supportive of the one
planet goal, with an emphasis on the northern third of the campus as a
beginning pilot project or "ecocity fractal."

We travel a lot to get the word out about the ecocity approach. Last year
around this time we were headed to Istanbul, Turkey, for the 8th
International Ecocity Conference, the longest running conference series on
the subject of ecocities, started in 1990. The Istanbul conference brought
long-time ecocity practitioners together with fresh new talent from around
the world to discuss, debate and share projects and best practices. A
special emphasis was on ecocity applications in Turkey and the Mediterranean
region. Novatek, a technology concept business patterned after the labs of
Thomas Edison, hired us to co-consult with them in Huaibei, China to think
through the problems of a city sinking into its old coal mines.

We are also partnering with Novatek and a seasoned team of experts in the
United States and Nepal to craft an entry to the Living City Design
Competition. In addition to the Kathmandu team, we have on board Walter
Hood, Josiah Cain, Geoff Holton, Kelley Lemon, Shivang Patwa, Richard
Register, Kirstin Miller, Elise Harris and Abinash Pradham. Stay tuned to
see what we come up with!

Spreading these ideas around the world within a clear and measurable format
inspired the launch of the International Ecocity Framework & Standards
(IEFS) project, with start up funding from the Helen and William Mazer
Foundation. This project is attracting considerable attention and interest
from prominent sustainability practitioners from around the world. We expect
the IES to develop into a major educational forum and possibly a highly
influential body over the next year, leading up to our first public vetting
of the work at the 9th International Ecocity Conference in August 2011,
Montreal, Canada.
* *

Our President, Richard Register, represented our work around the world,
including three talks in South Korea, with one at Changwon where he is a
member of their International Advisory Council. He also spoke at the Second
International De-growth Conference in Barcelona, Spain, on ecocity economics
and returned by way of talks in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Ithaca New York,
plus another in North Adams, Massachusetts. Also this year he represented us
in Detroit, Kathmandu Nepal, and on a second trip to Korea for the Future of
Cities Summit hosted by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability. Over
the year he was interviewed for three movies, including one on the life and
work of Paolo Soleri.

For such a small organization, the amount of work we manage to accomplish
always amazes our supporters and associates. We attribute much of our
success to the power of the ideas and to the considerable personal
commitment to the work on the part of our staff, members, interns and

The other part we attribute to all of you - our financial supporters,
sponsors and members. Thank you so much for your kindness and support for
our work. Please see our related article on our major plans and projects
upcoming in 2001. *We'd be honored to have your continued support in 2011.*


[image: Kirstin_signature]
Kirstin Miller for Ecocity Builders

Ecocity Builders
339 15th Street, Suite 208
Oakland CA 94612 USA

 [image: sm.ecb]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV5efsGsPm3MXli20YgEhLZB2ytC5lLDusMqOVOYH4SULBACDXd2V7--VRfLtE5X5C5pA9PhCIwEbBTPrfR_8ZdeFoPVoKo9FO5IZlYQEEIkcQ==>

Keeper of the International Ecocity Conference Series

Ecocity Builders is a non-profit organization dedicated to reshaping cities,
towns and villages for long-term health of human and natural systems.

[image: facebook.jpg]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV5Pk3bg_w570QDN00RJVTJrfCVR7zWae_UcQ5T-MpOaXZzcs2H_SckzPBIxypw72XtLIt-KiutBT8PtzjI2G8ge7-qFmz7sTA88EN5YUFOgCbxPafBefCxHfBT1sE2Yy2K1gYDJ7CaGZZJ3o3IQVSXjLXw6EDof8vFiViavb73BB918DLiM9rM9JuVwt8Ru2eg=>

The Ecozoic Era refers to a vision, first promoted by cosmologist Thomas
Berry, of an emerging epoch when humanity lives in a mutually enriching
relationship with the larger community of life on Earth.

Will we be able to make the transition in time to retain a biosphere healthy
enough to regenerate living systems now under extreme stress? Our role in
exploring ecocities is to clarify a vision of cities that can. And then go
out and build them. There is no way to be certain we will succeed, but our
position is that there's no time to just sit around and wonder about it: now
is time for action.

Maybe one day all cities will be ecocities.


*Brent Toderian, Director of Planning, City of Vancouver, BC, Canada at
Ecocity 2009, Istanbul*

*Richard Register delivers a keynote and backdrop illustration to ICLEI
Future of Cities Summit, Incheon South Korea*

[image: pual]
*Paul Downton, Ecopolis Architects, Adelaide Australia, in Vancouver for the
International Ecocity Standards consultation*

*Richard meets with local artists and community builders in Detroit Michigan

*Kirstin Miller, Ecocity Builders' Executive Director, in Montreal planning
for Ecocity World Summit 2011*

*Richard Register with Stella Register (granddaughter) in Sante Fe, New

*Codornices Creek pocket park, Berkeley*

*Ecocity Builders' art auction fund raiser at SPUR, San Francisco*

*Marcel Diallo, Black Dot Artists, leads tour of the Village Bottoms
Cultural District for Just Metropolis*

*Carl Bellinston (right) from Novatek in China with Ecocity Builders for the
4th International Ecopolis Forum*

*Walter Hood, Bhaktapur, Nepal, for the Kathmandu Living City Project site

*Jennie Moore, Director, Sustainable Development *
* and Environmental Stewardship, British Columbia Institute of Technology at
the International Ecocity Standards Project Experts Consultation in



*Car Free Journey*

By Steve Atlas

[image: walking]

*Car Free in San Diego, California*

*Are you free the weekend of December 3-5? Can you visit San Diego that

If your answer is YES to both questions, the 14 museums in San Diego's
Balboa Park will be open FREE from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Friday December 3 and
Saturday December 4, as part of the park's December Nights program. For
details, visit www.balboapark.org.

For help taking public transportation to Balboa Park from San Diego
International Airport, the Santa Fe Train Station (San Diego' Amtrak and
commuter rail station) or the Greyhound Bus Station (120 W Broadway), visit
www.sdmts.com and click on Trip Planner. Unfortunately, most of us can't
visit San Diego then. How about another weekend here?

*Weekend in San Diego's Balboa Park*

Balboa Park, just minutes from downtown San Diego, is the nation's largest
urban park. It's easy to spend several days here.

The park houses 15 museums, ranging from art to science and from air and
space to natural history or anthropology. If you love the outdoors, allow
time to explore the wide variety of gardens. The San Diego Zoo is world

Families and walkers can sample the trails and playgrounds on the western
side of the park.

To reach the Museums, take MTS bus 7 to Park Boulevard and Village Place.
Several stops along Park Boulevard are near one or more of the museums or
the San Diego Zoo.

The Presidents Way stop will drop you off near the Hall of Champions,
Automobile Museum, and the Air & Space Museum.

At the Rose Garden Stop, see the beautiful roses or desert garden. Then take
the pedestrian bridge over Park Boulevard into the Prado with the Natural
History Museum on your right, and the Reuben H Fleet Science Center on your
left. Other museums along the Prado include the San Diego Museum of Art, the
Timken, Mingel, and Photographic Museum. You will also be near several
restaurants and the Old Globe Theatre.

At Zoo Drive, you're just a short walk for the entrance to the world famous
San Diego Zoo.

Read On<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV6XYwaUoy10U7CNomg4O7aDhUH3-IW1AuIOEfe98Pa2_KgCfRowGoBtVxCwmGnbO6beS3zRM7EVz1SV_Ma9IfP0xwbCltQh74kU6WNmg82SFaGQjJUAdPRn6cnKdI6uxz7WIVTCtu9dSmOFK3yK7U0c>

 * "The problem is the present design of cities only a few stories high,
stretching outward in unwieldy sprawl for miles. As a result of their
sprawl, they literally transform the earth, turn farms into parking lots and
waste enormous amounts of time and energy transporting people, goods and
services over their expanses. My solution is urban implosion rather than
-Paolo Soleri


August 22-26, 2011
Palais des congrès de Montréal, Canada

The 9th International Ecocity
[image: montreal logo]

Hosted by Urban Ecology Montréal, Ecocity World Summit 2011 will build on
work of past Ecocity World Summits while adding new conference themes,
participatory methods, and projects that will last beyond the life of the
conference. Detailed conference content and design will be developed in
collaboration with local and international partners, making sure that the
particular urban ecological expertise of Montréal is highlighted.


*F**rançais http://www.ecocity2011.com/appel-de-communications/default_f.asp<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV7KB5TbadeM29G5nQKPptHSRUvFoxR5MB_Z1kqNOwVLdC_cN3wr1l3uEThtQwjaFZ7QCh5UDc-DUUGFd_eJecOtKWKZKvjGK1Ep1l4OoI8MBx_vreX_Pn8AB3V46Sm32Gt_X59bCSyWaYt5aQwS96sAA6Dq5N-1XX8=>

*English http://www.ecocity2011.com/appel-de-communications/default_e.asp<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV78ITeI7OfVHoGlxsvn27Tvs2TTizCFKqL2LMsmKWbEA4d5o7MP0rGGfEGVB1MgMYNpHKa_mGls9xblUWtfv6iS0ygqr3jaXzPNH0PpFLz9NyDUPN-rop-O74-MEnSNeSjGElJIYyW7O8AiTps1ZSdiNiTvW7ZPA94=>
*Español *
 [image: sm.ecb]



*[image: center]

*Center Street Plaza, Berkeley* - an ongoing project and part of a broader
initiative to create a beautiful new "heat of the city" in downtown
Berkeley. In 2011 we will be working hand in hand with the City of Berkeley
and the design team to finish design work and technical studies and to
prepare for next phases of building the project.

Learn more: http://ecocitybuilders.org/projects/current/center-street-plaza/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV5GuB5F2d5beIswbyCGutIs8EqArp3eILCLsDOb5x5J_3qV7ua0lQfTL2_P7Z0SJ50w4-1apnTJFRXjJxnhptOVa4qodaw2ekbZ_M8wt3K6JjG-4a5o9asEgnJ7muGJUjYUbH_udqoq4e4WmXwOUReXNqli9Vz82trbkh9_kuozXw==>

Support our work for Center Street Plaza


*[image: villages]

*Village Bottoms Cultural District/Village Bottoms Farm, West Oakland* -
another ongoing project in collaboration with the Black Dot Artists/Village
Bottoms Neighborhood Association. Next steps are to provide technical
support to the neighborhood as they establish the farm planting schedule and
operations and accompanying cottage industries/retail outlets on Pine

Learn more:
Support our work on Urban

 *[image: kath]
Kathmandu Living City *- a project launched mid summer 2010. We are teaming
up with local community leaders in the Kathmandu Valley to create a
comprehensive vision for the valley as truly sustainable and environmentally
just, now and into the long term future. We are organizing our work around
the Living City Design Competition sustainability metrics.
Support the Living City

* *

[image: ecocity8]
The International Ecocity Conference Series* - begun in Berkeley in 1990,
this is the longest running conference on the topic of ecocities. Upcoming
is the 9th International Ecocity Conference, Ecocity World Summit, Montreal,
Aug. 2011.
Lean more: http://www.ecocitybuilders.org/what-we-do/intl-conference-series/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV5Rc1DX6R9SKLyueg1ZKUxIPugV2ez2oKuUncLhc8DR_wt-RKq6le7XT8JSxF6lv7VB1b3Qv_aIzwn5to1Eh8TXe_treZVgoa6xAbWJjzGz0_y-OZULR-L2k8dwjlQJAyq9hUy1VRCO0DgOc-BaHlC-5r4xf_vwU9O6XTPzjPBpHA==>

*[image: bioregionalecocity]
Books* - Richard Register is working on two books, one on Ecocity Economics
and one an Ecocities Illustrated book of drawings.

*[image: richard]
Speakers Bureau* - We will continue to present and share ideas with
interested communities and organizations near and far.
Learn more:
[image: ucberkeley]
Classes* - Kirstin Miller teaches a class on Ecological Cities for the
University of California, Berkeley, Sustainable Design Certificate Program.
In the works for 2011 is a Degree Program in Ecocity Design, Development and
Lifestyles in partnership with the San Francisco Institute of Architecture.
Learn more:

*[image: wcg]
Design Charrettes* - We plan to offer community design charrettes
frequently, in the works for early 2011 is a workshop for Santa Barbara City
Learn more:

Support our Educational Programs and


[image: iefs]
The International Ecocity Framework and Standards Project *

The International Ecocity Framework and Standards (IEFS) is a guide for
cities and citizens seeking to establish a healthy balance between people
and the planet.

The project has two goals: 1) to describe the conditions for an ecologically
healthy human presence on earth that helps to restore nature; and 2) to
offer a practical methodology to map and guide the journey towards the
creation of an ecocity.

Learn more:http://www.ecocitybuilders.org/what-we-do/ecocity-standards/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV61l8XXkBmMl77IVa63UBvEOIUhAfHokS8p0UQJ8ka-NhGI8w2BUd2KPaqYHt88Dk147GhTmsDZpa3WkE1XCfPy4qm1j1ggYA_1Fy_E5z2YsS7VpboEn1K8rdvIWPUrjB7-j2IgBGQR1SU3CPuOxQIYLU1gJAQeQMU=>

Support the IEFS

[image: strwcreek]
Ecocity Builders offers a variety of opportunities to get to know us and to
support the work that we do.

Whichever way you choose to get involved, we hope you get a taste of
participating in a movement more timely than ever now. Halting and reversing
our cities' role in greenhouse gas emissions takes more than government and
environmentalists. It takes each and every one of us to be aware of the
issues - and how we might become part of the solution.

Get involved: http://www.ecocitybuilders.org/get-involved/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV4t4Bwku4G2fUBhzbcoO7Qkap94a0HRY-A7qDofYZYek3fF53xm3fr020xk4iHKU2ruE2ucB9xMMOUmVD7hd7fc1LrwQukEhdMYQdSHtf0dvhm8Nc4sDQ0Mt_c3n1v5RZziTZpuNYbjDg==>

* I'm an Economist - Are You?*
By Richard Register

"I'm an economist" is a bold thing to say. Something like claiming you're in
the Pharaoh's priesthood without approval from the Occult High Chamber, your
youth invested in study and a tortuous initiation, largely by boredom for
the tedium of numbers, numbers, numbers. Turn up with a claim like that and
expect banishment to be the least of your likely fates. But I think I'm
pretty good at it. I began to feel that way when I read on Our Dear Internet
Allan Greenspan's confession he "hadn't seen it coming." Seen what? The
subprime mortgage crisis and the Great Downturn. If the Fed King was
blind-sided, but not me, I must be the better economist. You might be too. I
know a lot of people who saw it coming. Far from the first time in history,
it's the normal history of speculative bubbles, just a bit worse than usual
this time. Plus it has a couple serious new overlays I'll get to.

I knew what was happening in the macro economy not only because is was
economics déjà vu that a lot of people had but because I was simply willing
to look at the Big Things. Call it beginner mind, or just open mind, but the
crux of the issue is in the seeing itself. I didn't think I was an economist
at the time. That time was when I was driving through an enormous housing
development project being built just east of Castro Valley, California in
2004 with my friend Paul Richards. He was interested in the layout of the
subdivision because the developer was leaving strips of land for walking and
bicycling paths along "creeks," well, almost. The low-lying strips were
seasonal drains at most, with flowing water during rains and not exactly
creeks but headed that way. Probably would be if we had a climate like
Portland's or Singapore's.

What I noticed was the enormous houses cheek by jowl, hundreds of them. "How
much do these places cost?" I asked Paul. In the $500,000 to $700,000 range
he said. That was a little stunning to my naïve ears.

Read on<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV50RzbU8qbmxKW-CKFbSZDMF6R7msJ2xF6kq2-gH3z53gaI-R9YX-SMFSBIm2jh1MaFbsWGkk1a9pF0jXsC82_dXF4kpAjg05EWnCBHVqPtH4gLDJ0wm52QOg8vUmKmlT8T_6IWuttKpLrtXCMq73N2>


[image: bioregional]

 Ecocity Builders is dedicated to reshaping cities, towns and villages for
long-term health of human and natural systems. Join us and help rebuild
cities in balance with nature.

CLICK HERE<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV5efsGsPm3MXli20YgEhLZB2ytC5lLDusMqOVOYH4SULBACDXd2V7--VRfLtE5X5C5pA9PhCIwEbBTPrfR_8ZdeFoPVoKo9FO5IZlYQEEIkcQ==>TO

[image: sm.ecb]

   *Principal Features of an Ecocity
[image: eco-city characteristics]
   [image: STV.EE.AD]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hdosiabab&et=1104018486007&s=12359&e=001SpkE9E8CdV5ct0yjrYhPKvYaQMA7FLnQZWfAYqYIBBCF2yn6kaGMR38mjP5y8L-3ChPK7g1DHl0ZCh0QGKTjyC8SZGNK4JOuifVB5KKB_a2rDDEyxG8UIWD0ZfbFCMdWKwixU2O7tJg=>
[image: sm.ecs]

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This email was sent to michelsub2004 at gmail.com by
kirstin at ecocitybuilders.org.
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Ecocity Builders | 339 15th Street, Suite 208 | Oakland | CA | 94612

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