[p2p-research] Fwd: Clear Thinking from Ackoff

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 06:28:49 CET 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Imogen Fallows <imogen at triarchypress.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 10:48 PM
Subject: Clear Thinking from Ackoff
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com


Dear Michel,

We're very pleased, and a little sad, to be announcing the publication
of *Differences
That Make a Difference* by Russ Ackoff. Sad because this publication marks
for us the completion of over four years of working with Russ and his
writing. Pleased because it is a true privilege to have been involved in
these publications, arising as they did from the culmination of his
distinguished and influential career in management

The simple philosophy behind *Differences That Make a
* is that complicated problems can often be avoided if you take a moment to
define your terms at the outset. Ackoff's aim was to *dissolve* (not *solve*or
*resolve*) some of the many disputes in professional and private life that
he saw as the result of quite basic instances of miscommunication and

For example, there is more than one type of *error*: there are *Errors of
Commission* (doing something that should not have been done) and *Errors of
Omission* (not doing something that should have been done). Once you
understand this distinction, you will also understand the benefits to be
gained from *leading* people to act responsibly rather than *managing* them
through fear.

*Differences That Make a Difference* brings together 57 definitions of such
important terms and concepts, many of which underpin Russ Ackoff's
contribution to improving organizational health.

This book is a perfect introduction to his writing and thinking. It is, as
Charles Handy says in his Foreword, "a manual for clear thinking" - and a
fitting tribute to the man.

Read more about the book, and/or order a copy

*Also by Russ Ackoff...*
* *
*Differences That Make a Difference* completes our set of four books by
Ackoff. Each gets to grips with the serious (and often amusing) business of
how organizations work, how they are run and how they could be improved.

Russ Ackoff's books make *perfect gifts* - for managers, leaders,
executives, MBA students, hierarchs and heterarchs of all ages.

Read more about *Management f-Laws, Systems Thinking for Curious Managers,
Memories* and *Differences That Make a Difference* (with links to order
copies) here <http://www.triarchypress.co.uk/ackoff/>.

 *About Triarchy Press*
*Triarchy Press* <http://www.triarchypress.com/> is an independent publisher
of books and pamphlets focusing on organisations, how they work and the way
we work in them.
 *admin@*triarchypress.com <admin at triarchypress.com> ~ *

  This message was sent from Imogen Fallows to michelsub2004 at gmail.com. It
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