[p2p-research] Fwd: [fcforum] Fwd: [The IPKat] Management of IP in sustainable agri-development: essential or irrelevant....

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 03:42:38 CET 2010

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From: Amelia Andersdotter <amelia.andersdotter at piratpartiet.se>
Date: Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 7:18 AM
Subject: [fcforum] Fwd: [The IPKat] Management of IP in sustainable
agri-development: essential or irrelevant....
To: fcforum at list.fcforum.net

we often ask ourselves that since the European Parliament just turned down
the first Citizen's Initiative on banning GMO.

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From: Jeremy <jjip at btinternet.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 12:36:38 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [The IPKat] Management of IP in sustainable agri-development:
essential or ir...
To: ipkat_readers at googlegroups.com

Digging for sustainable development ... IPKat team member Jeremy had a
fascinating discussion with Kay Chapman a couple of months ago. Kay is
Communications and Information Specialist, CAS-IP (that's the Central
Advisory Service on Intellectual Property of CGIAR -- the Consultative
Group on International Agricultural Research. In case you've not come
across CGIAR before [and you jolly well ought to have, since it has
been mentioned at least twice on this blog before], it's
"a global partnership that unites organizations engaged in research for
sustainable development with the funders of this work. ... The work
they support is carried out by 15 members of the Consortium of
International Agricultural Research Centers, in close collaboration
with hundreds of partner organizations, including national and regional
research institutes, civil society organizations, academia, and the
private sector".The Fund Council includes the World Bank, the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation and national governments as diverse as the
United States, Brazil and Iran. Anyway, CGIAR has been doing some
thinking about its attitude to, and relationship with, intellectual
property rights. Let Kay explain:
"Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Asset (IA) management in

In a public research environment, IP and IA management can be a tricky
subject, sometimes even met with suspicion. There can be little doubt
that managing IA effectively is required to fulfil the goals of the
institutes within which we work.In the context of agricultural research
what do we mean when we talk about IA management? The term IA covers
all intellectual assets (results, information, articles, publications,
know-how, new plant varieties, etc.) whether or not they are protected
by intellectual property rights (by which we mean copyrights, patents,
trademarks, plant variety protection, etc.).Effective IA management is
crucial to facilitate the exchange of research outputs as well as to
support trust in collaborations. It is also required to deal with
issues such as access, ownership and exploitation of the outputs
produced.The message from a recent and comprehensive Review of the
CGIAR’s own Intellectual Property unit (CAS-IP) was clear and
direct:“We firmly believe that the management (or mismanagement) of
intellectual property will be a primary factor in determining the
future of the CGIAR's contributions to agricultural innovation systems
that will help ensure global food security, poverty alleviation and
environmental sustainability”.Do you have any thoughts about IA
management in the agricultural research for development purposes? What
should IA management focus on if you need to ensure benefits are
available for the public good? What should or shouldn’t we do with the
results of publicly funded research?

The Review mentioned above was commissioned by CAS-IP's main donor, the
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS), first to evaluate CAS-IP's
activities. In light of the CGIAR reform process, DGIS also requested
that the Review Team extend the scope to include the broader context of
intellectual asset management in the CGIAR. Given the fundamental
importance of IP/IA management, it will not be ignored as the new
structure of the CGIAR emerges. Details of exactly what form IA
management will take have not yet emerged.

Further to the publication of the Review of CAS-IP, a public
consultation process has been set up online. Any comments will be
compiled and officially added to the report, we hope for use by the
agricultural development community at-large, as well as to inform the
new Consortium Office".The IPKat is fascinated by all of this. What
should organisations like CGIAR be doing with the results of
agricultural research, apart from making sure that everyone who needs
to use them can get access to them? Should the organisation's role be
confined to describing and databasing research results, or is its money
better spent on building up and policing agricultural IP portfolios for
the beneficial exploitation and management of those rights for the
greater good? Or is the notion of a greater good illusory? Do tell Kay
what you think!

You can see a one-page discussion document of the Review here or browse
the results of the Review here
To contact Kay Chapman, just email her here.

Posted By Jeremy to The IPKat on 11/29/2010 08:36:00 PM

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1. Brussels says first ever citizens' petition does not count - 30.11.2010
- 17:38
The entry into force of the EU's new citizens' initiative is likely to be
welcomed by a legal battle between Greenpeace and the EU institutions. The
environmentalists are the first group to have collected 1 million
signatures - calling for a ban on GMOs - but Brussels is saying it does not


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