[p2p-research] Fwd: "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas"

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 19:55:53 CEST 2010

Dear Chris, could you also publish the text below on the regular blog? many
thanks!   P2P-Urbanism World Atlas: Call for Participation

  Dear all,

this is a open invitation to take part to the editing of the "P2P-Urbanism
World Atlas".
The Atlas is based on Google Maps (
Markers on Gmap locate P2P urban interventions.

According to the ongoing debate on P2P urbanism we are filtering urban
interventions (implemented projects) fitting in the following statement:
P2P Urbanism may be understood as that collection of temporary, long-term as
well as digital urban interventions carried out cooperatively by, amongst
others, inhabitants, professionals, NGOs, public agencies, researchers,
activists, artists, sociologists, and urban scientists meant to study,
construct, and repair the city in a way that anyone may choose, participate,
share, and modify theories, methods, and implementation technologies at any
one time./

Therefore we are looking for long-term, urban interventions as well as
smaller, temporary urban and diital interventions which can be understood
and interpret as P2P urban philosophy. A legend has been used to
discriminate among:

(blue) = temporary P2P urban interventions
(red) = long-term P2P urban interventions
(green) = other P2P urban-related interventions

A yellow marker contains instructions and information.

To take part to the World Atlas project you should send your Gmail account
to cityleft at gmail.com <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com>
<mailto:cityleft at gmail.com<mailto:
cityleft at gmail.com>>. Our ambition is to discover an cover every region of
the world in which P2P urban interventions have taken place.

You may invite other participants to this project. Since the Atlas is at
very beginning we expect that some changes will occur in the structure of
the given information in some time. Participants will be notified of such
changes. The target is to complete the map before next spring when a
conference on P2P urbanism will be organized in Rome.

A Google group has been created to allow feedbacks among participants. Only
active participants to the Atlas project may visualize and take part to the


* AgaTino Rizzo *

Cityleft - Open Source Urbanism
http://www.cityleft.altervista.org/ <

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Giuseppe Silvi <giuseppesilvi at yahoo.it>
Date: Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 5:45 PM
Subject: "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas" and PHILIPS LIVABLE CITIES AWARD
(deadline 28 Oct 2010)
To: Stefano Serafini <metafrasis at alice.it>
Cc: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>, Antonio Caperna <
antonio.caperna at yahoo.it>

  dear all,

a thank you to Stefano for the "Invitation to take part to the editing of
the "P2P-Urbanism World Atlas"
... for sure  I'll involve the "laquila99.tv's people in taking part to this
valuable initiative

in my opinion there is a chance to present an idea in the context of
the "P2P-Urbanism
World Atlas" initiative to the "*PHILIPS LIVABLE CITIES AWARD" *

I have been studying the PHILIPS site since some weeks  ..... I am ready to
coordinate a team of which I hope you want to be part in order to present an
idea to this award within the deadline fixed for the 28th Oct 2010.

Some interesting VIDEOS from PHILIPS:

Please send me a feedback and your considerations on the PHILIPS LIVABLE

The best

*Da:* Stefano Serafini <metafrasis at alice.it>
*A:* Giuseppe Silvi <giuseppesilvi at yahoo.it>
*Inviato:* Ven 27 agosto 2010, 23:33:20
*Oggetto:* Invitation to take part to the editing of the "P2P-Urbanism World

Caro Giuseppe,

come sai il Gruppo Salìngaros sta organizzando un importante convegno
sull'urbanistica e l'architettura a misura umana per il prossimo febbario,
che si terrà a Roma coinvolgendo nomi importanti della filosofia, della
sociologia, e della scienza, oltre ad alcuni esponenti politici interessati
una volta tanto ad ascoltare; ma soprattutto giovani studiosi brillanti, che
come tali insegnano e ricercano all'estero, visto che in patria i baroni non
li farebbero nemmeno respirare.

Ora, la P2P Foundation, Michel Bauwens, e aun gruppo di giovani urbanisti,
programmatori e teorici, organizza insieme a noi un altro convegno che si
incrocerà con quello romano e ne farà parte: solo che sarà mondiale, e si
svolgerà tutto online, per il tremite di una ventina di interviste che
caricheremo sul web, dedicate al tema del P2P Urbanism.

Ho pensato di coinvolgerti insieme agli amici di L'Aquila99.tv, visto che -
mi pare - siamo davvero in tema, e in linea.

Qui sotto trovi l'invito a partecipare al primo step di questa avventura
open-source. Se devo fare qualcosa fammelo sapere, ma penso che tu hai
abbastanza canali da dare il booster alla faccenda...

A presto e cari saluti,


P.S. Hai voluto la bicicletta...? ;-)

tino rizzo пишет:
Dear all,

this is a open invitation to take part to the editing of the "P2P-Urbanism
World Atlas".
The Atlas is based on Google Maps (
Markers on Gmap locate P2P urban interventions.

According to the ongoing debate on P2P urbanism we are filtering urban
interventions (implemented projects) fitting in the following statement:
P2P Urbanism may be understood as that collection of temporary, long-term as
well as digital urban interventions carried out cooperatively by, amongst
others, inhabitants, professionals, NGOs, public agencies, researchers,
activists, artists, sociologists, and urban scientists meant to study,
construct, and repair the city in a way that anyone may choose, participate,
share, and modify theories, methods, and implementation technologies at any
one time./

Therefore we are looking for long-term, urban interventions as well as
smaller, temporary urban and diital interventions which can be understood
and interpret as P2P urban philosophy. A legend has been used to
discriminate among:

(blue) = temporary P2P urban interventions
(red) = long-term P2P urban interventions
(green) = other P2P urban-related interventions

A yellow marker contains instructions and information.

To take part to the World Atlas project you should send your Gmail account
to cityleft at gmail.com <mailto:cityleft at gmail.com>
<mailto:cityleft at gmail.com<mailto:
cityleft at gmail.com>>. Our ambition is to discover an cover every region of
the world in which P2P urban interventions have taken place.

You may invite other participants to this project. Since the Atlas is at
very beginning we expect that some changes will occur in the structure of
the given information in some time. Participants will be notified of such
changes. The target is to complete the map before next spring when a
conference on P2P urbanism will be organized in Rome.

A Google group has been created to allow feedbacks among participants. Only
active participants to the Atlas project may visualize and take part to the


* AgaTino Rizzo *

Cityleft - Open Source Urbanism
http://www.cityleft.altervista.org/ <

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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