[p2p-research] Fwd: Data Roads: P2P network physical topology.

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 16:19:17 CEST 2010

Jared, nice to met you!

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 6:36 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jared Hardy <jaredhardy at dataroads.org>
> Date: Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:46 AM
> Subject: Re: Data Roads: P2P network physical topology.
> To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> Cc: jaromil <jaromil at dyne.org>, Sepp Hasslberger <sepp at lastrega.com>,
> olivier auber <olivierauber2 at gmail.com>
> Thank you for the input Jaromil and Michel,
>    I think the trepidation shown here about the Data Roads project is
> indicative of its chicken-vs-egg inception problem status. Which comes
> first: hackers or user demand? Aren't hackers really just working out
> their own desires as users? Do you get the best hackers by having
> existing code to hack on, or by presenting a novel ideas in need of
> novel code?

In Localized Food Systems, and Local Economy projects, we're quickly
seeing results by way of the convergence of a plurality/diversity of
participants. We are in part hackers, but if the ecology consists of
nothing but hackers then technology will tend to evolve to fit the
needs of participants, I think. So, the most rewarding places to start
have been in the convergence of people from many different
backgrounds, who have concrete problems, or clear visions of what they
want to do.

>    Also, the code-only view of hackerdom seems (to me) to discount
> the necessary phases of design, study, documentation, testing, and
> promotion that are inherent to any truly successful project. Projects
> in the early design and study phases should never be immediately
> discounted, at least not until they adhere to "golden cows" and goals
> that are untrustworthy. Data Roads in particular proposes a physical
> topology (hence the subject of this thread) more than the "virtual" or
> "logical" topologies shown by existing P2P software (TOR, I2P, GNUnet,
> FreeNet, etc.). The deployment problem is more about creating a social
> understanding of the benefits of peer direct-networking than a
> technological one. In this case, the peer is a physical neighbor.
> Without that social understanding and demand, there will be no willing
> experimenters in the physical deployment stage.
>    Even without any new Data Roads router design, I could connect any
> willing neighborhoods with existing router hardware, one or more
> willing wholesale broadband providers, and a mix of OSPF and OSLR mesh
> topologies. That is the intent of my other non-profit project
> NELA-ISC.Net. The first problem Data Roads really intends to solve is
> creating a wider demand for this type of neighbor-to-neighbor mesh
> installation, regardless of the technology used. The next problem I
> foresee, and want to deal with early via the router project, is
> stitching these meshes together seamlessly once they grow into
> adjacency. It may be a grotesque ambition, but I would like the
> capability of stitching these meshes globally as well as locally, with
> little to no process overhead.

What are legally-usable radio frequencies for long and medium range
data packet transimission? Do you happen to know this. I have not had
time to look at it since the days of guerillanet (around 2001 or so).

>    I really appreciate the exception Michel and others in the P2P
> Foundation have made here. I do not claim to have all the best ideas
> for Data Roads, P2P networking, or any other concept. P2P Foundation
> seems to reach an audience on a much wider scale from philosophy to
> technology, and this is the same kind of audience the Data Roads
> project needs input from.
>    Thank you,
>    Jared Hardy

Sam Rose
Future Forward Institute and Forward Foundation
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

"The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human
ambition." - Carl Sagan

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