[p2p-research] Fwd: FINAL version of FC paper on p2p subjectivity

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 17:42:45 CEST 2010

Dear friends,

I'm publishing the below on sept\ 3,

Phoebe can you send me the exact bibliographic reference to add to it?


Do the networked commons emerging from peer to peer production founded in
the free software arena, and the ecologies of productive and artistic
cooperation therein; pose a resilient threat to capitalism? This article
deals with that question.”

Our friend and p2p scholar Phoebe
Moore<http://www.espach.salford.ac.uk/page/Phoebe_Moore>has an
essay to be published
<http://p2pfoundation.net/Peer_to_Peer_and_the_Subject>by Media Ecologies,
in which she comes to the following conclusion on the previous question:

*“The emerging ecology discussed here presents a critical view of the
technological determinism that now pervades a tendency to place widespread
reliance on human innovation to immutably coincide with the contemporary age
of production, seen in dominant and pervasive enterprise initiatives in
every sector in the neoliberal age. Can the emergence of participants’
battle with capital transform traditional hierarchies within typified sites
of production of the industrial age? This contemporary post-capitalist
ecology is one that I argue allows workers to arrest their own
self-management and return to a situation wherein people can formulate
revolutionary subjectivities, and own their labour and means of production,
rather than continue to be subordinated to hierarchies and the deterministic
views of technology and progress. The self-organising communities of peer
production threaten the status quo by the ownership of the means and modes
and thus the ecologies of production, and structuring capital output into a
commons from which to adopt and adapt personally or communally through the
creation of a licensing model (General Public Licensing) that renders
obsolete the intellectual property control of ideas.*

*Through ‘commoning’ and through the production of open software and
hardware and related alternative protocol, it has become possible to
challenge capitalism and to become new forms of employable subjects in a way
that casts the wage relation and the invasive externally imposed
subjectivity required in capitalist recipes for success into chaotic
disarray. The global passive revolution requires passive subjects, who
manifest one dominant subjectivity. Elites intend to advance this, cutting
through an aesthetic veneer that advances the autonomous affective self
(Colman 2010, 3). The peer production movement is a veritable media ecology
that poses an active revolutionary threat to the contemporary post-colonial
project of capitalist subsumption.” *

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Phoebe Moore <pvm.doc at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 5:36 PM
Subject: FINAL version of FC paper.
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

Hi Michel

This is the final draft of my paper

Cheers, P.

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