[p2p-research] rants on sociometry

mrc eskerda at hacklaviva.net
Fri Aug 27 16:51:39 CEST 2010

heey, i'm lost in a research, so maybe i'm just trolling..... please asist
this lammer if u can, thanx.

what's the relation of this with p2p.?
"As the ...science of group organization, it attacks the problem not from
the outer structure of the group, the group surface, but from the inner

So as the rest of "social things", it depends lots on the real
parameters-values the group has choosen to give points to. however:

distributed sociometry is ever posible? sociometric points are always
finite within a group? are roles finite too? should roles be mainly
offered by just a member of the group  ?

(for example: the queers probably don't like sociometry? )

the quantity and quality of traffic... on a-some ('fair') human (tending
to) p2p network, how is that ammount of P2Pism quantified and qualified? 
can you direct me to some measurers?
i think i heard about unitarization needed for p2p, so.. p2pmetrics makes
any sense.. ?

sorry about this if no sense at all... i'll find 'it' out somehow else....


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