[p2p-research] Male Labor Force Composition

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 20 16:58:17 CEST 2010

  Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: Male Labor Force Composition
via Early Warning by Stuart Staniford on 20/08/10
This morning, I have a few graphs of the breakdown of the US male
population aged 25-54. The data are quarterly, seasonally adjusted, and
from the BLS Current Population Survey. Above shows the basic data -
the fraction of that population that is employed, officially
unemployed, or just fallen out of the labor force altogether. The
following points seem of interest:

- 1970 was the year when the leading edge of the baby boom turned 25.
Note that the size of the population in this age band starts to climb
steeply for here.
- In 2000, the leading edge of the baby boom turned 55, and the size of
the population has been growing more slowly since then (or even a
little before - heart attacks?). Recently, this population is almost
- Note that the initial effect of the great recession is initially to
boost the size of the unemployed slice (red), but now it's mainly
causing people to leave the labor force altogether.Next up is the same
data, only showing the breakdown between the three categories.

You can see that while the fraction unemployed shrinks and grows with
each boom and bust, the not-in-labor-force category just continues to
grow steadily.
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