[p2p-research] thai labour film festival

andrew paterson agryfp at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 16:15:48 CEST 2010

Hei everyone,

There are also emerging videos on similar subject here:

As this one was 'blocked' to viewers within Thailand:


On Aug 17, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Michel Bauwens wrote:

> via andrew and junya:
> From: junya <junya at thailabour.org>
> Date: 20 มิถุนายน 2010, 9 นาฬิกา 0  
> นาที
> To: aepf.asia at lists.riseup.net, atnc-members at googlegroups.com,  
> thai_labour at yahoogroups.com, Asia-social-movements at yahoogroups.com,  
> thai-solidarity at lists.riseup.net
> Subject: TLC documentaries on line - can't miss them all.
> Hello everyone,
> As I have been sending you a couple of links to informed you about  
> our documentaries on the web. This email is to give you summary of  
> all of our documentaries that are on the web right now. For the  
> past week, TLC has been uploading 6 documentaries on the web   
> http://vimeo.com/user4020333. Most of our documentaries are related  
> to globalisaiton, poverty, migrant workers and collective  
> bargaining right of the workers and working class.
> All of our documentaries have been filming, editing and directing  
> by TLC staff, especially myself who is very passionate on popular  
> education techniques and tools, and has been using lost of films  
> and simple power points in my presentation  and education sessions.  
> all  of our documentaries have been produced on a very limited, if  
> not zero, budget, so in general  it is still very much immature  
> documentaries, but they have lots of stories to tell.
> Its also might  be helpful for you to understand the struggle of  
> the working class and migrant workers  in Thailand and also the  
> world through TLC's cameras.
> We can only upload three documentaries per week and so far we have  
> uploaded six documentaries and their description is below. Next  
> week we will upload documentaries of the struggle of industries  
> workers union in Thailand; food industry, union busting in the  
> electronic and garment industry.
> For now please enjoy watching our documentaries.
> In solidarity,
> Lek....
> Our documentaries on the web now
> ++++++++++++++++
> The 2009 Blueberry Fiasco in Sweden,  http://vimeo.com/12489782
> This film tells the tale of how a family-based activity between  
> Thailand and Sweden became a labour trafficking business.
> Vietnamese and Chinese activists and unionists, in particular,  
> should see this documentary because the industries, after Thai  
> workers speak-up. are looking for placement of Thai workers from  
> Vietnam and China, Our story will help you bargain better with the  
> Blueberry industry.
> ++++++++++++++++++
> 24 Hours in Peru. http://vimeo.com/12496883
> This documentary was filmed within 24 hours, thus there is  
> limitation of the footage, however, the story of Peru's workers  
> tell the tale of how is the global food supply chain in practice -  
> the food to be fed only those who can buy - not the workers who  
> produce them.
> After the meeting of Global network in Lima, from 22-24 September  
> 2007, Yan from the Solidar and I decided to take a one day trip to  
> Ica, an exporting food producing town, 300 kms south of Peru.
> The gab between rich and poor is shattering,
> the poverty unimaginable.
> the spirit of struggle,
> the honesty and friendliness of the peopel of Peru
> unforgettable.
> ++++++++++++++++++++
> Thai workers in Taiwan: A lottery for Life Long Debt. http:// 
> vimeo.com/12506490
> This films is viewing of testimony of four Thai women migrant  
> workers in Taiwan working as domestic and factory workers.
> These workers saidthat 'they have bought lotteries for 150,000  
> -190,000 Baht (4,700 - 6,000 USD)  to the road to 'life long debt'.
> They said loosing in gambling is better, there is still something  
> left.. Going to Taiwan one time is worse than losing gambling 10  
> times.
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> Life Without Identity - a film about two million migrant workers  
> from Burma in Thailand
> http://vimeo.com/12694037
> Labour organization estimate that there are 2 million migrant  
> workers in Thailand. 75% are from Burma and Karen, Shan, Kachin.  
> This documentary show how their life in Thailand, especially in Mae  
> Sot and Mahachai.
> A song from our heart
> Shan Youth Power
> Calling for peace and democracy in Burma
> This is a song from our hearts
> This is a song with hopes.
> This is a song from poor boys,
> to let you know. Oh my lord where are you?
> Can you see what is happened in your world?
> Some live in peace and justice.
> Some live in mess and sufferred.
> Some abuse human rights.
> Are we the same human being?
> Lord of the world, can you help?
> Let’s us be human being, like other please.
> We can stay without home.
> We can live without land.
> But we can’t live without rights without freedom.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++
> International Labour Film Festival in Thailand http://vimeo.com/ 
> 12697323
> With the support of 11.11.11 and Oxfam Solidarity, during 25  
> November 2008 through to March 2009, the Thai Labour Campaign (TLC)  
> organised an International Labour Film Festival caravan to 10  
> places all around Thailand, including industrial zones, villages  
> and temples and also the Chiangmai University campus.
> This film, around the activity of the film festival, shows how  
> beautiful are the people, culture and landscape of ‘ISAN’ in the  
> northeast.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++
> Thai Labour Campaign journey to connect with Cambodia and Vietnam.   
> http://vimeo.com/12699797
> This is a film of a dream come true. For years the TLC staff had  
> been waiting to be able to go, with unions friends, to share  
> experiences, learn and build solidarity with the people of Indo- 
> China - outside Thailand. From August 12 - 24, 2008 we travelled  
> from Bangkok by minibus to Siem Riep in Cambodia, by boat to Phenom  
> Penh and by public bus to Ho Chi Minh City, with many meetings with  
> unions and NGOs along the road.
> Many thanks to Diakonia, Action Aid and Oxfam Solidarity for all  
> their support.
> -- 
> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http:// 
> blog.p2pfoundation.net
> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss: http:// 
> listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/ 
> mbauwens; http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/ 
> mbauwens
> Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/ 
> The-AFI

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