[p2p-research] thai labour film festival

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 12:20:58 CEST 2010

via andrew and junya:

From: junya <junya at thailabour.org>
Date: 20 ÁԶعÒ¹ 2010, 9 ¹ÒÌÔ¡Ò 0 ¹Ò·Õ
To: aepf.asia at lists.riseup.net, atnc-members at googlegroups.com,
thai_labour at yahoogroups.com, Asia-social-movements at yahoogroups.com,
thai-solidarity at lists.riseup.net
Subject: TLC documentaries on line - can't miss them all.

Hello everyone,

As I have been sending you a couple of links to informed you about our
documentaries on the web. This email is to give you summary of all of our
documentaries that are on the web right now. For the past week, TLC has been
uploading 6 documentaries on the web  http://vimeo.com/user4020333. Most of
our documentaries are related to globalisaiton, poverty, migrant workers and
collective bargaining right of the workers and working class.

All of our documentaries have been filming, editing and directing by TLC
staff, especially myself who is very passionate on popular education
techniques and tools, and has been using lost of films and simple power
points in my presentation  and education sessions. all  of our documentaries
have been produced on a very limited, if not zero, budget, so in general  it
is still very much immature documentaries, but they have lots of stories to

Its also might  be helpful for you to understand the struggle of the working
class and migrant workers  in Thailand and also the world through TLC's

We can only upload three documentaries per week and so far we have uploaded
six documentaries and their description is below. Next week we will upload
documentaries of the struggle of industries workers union in Thailand; food
industry, union busting in the electronic and garment industry.

For now please enjoy watching our documentaries.

In solidarity,


Our documentaries on the web now


The 2009 Blueberry Fiasco in Sweden,  http://vimeo.com/12489782
This film tells the tale of how a family-based activity between Thailand and
Sweden became a labour trafficking business.
Vietnamese and Chinese activists and unionists, in particular, should see
this documentary because the industries, after Thai workers speak-up. are
looking for placement of Thai workers from Vietnam and China, Our story will
help you bargain better with the Blueberry industry.


24 Hours in Peru. http://vimeo.com/12496883
This documentary was filmed within 24 hours, thus there is limitation of the
footage, however, the story of Peru's workers tell the tale of how is the
global food supply chain in practice - the food to be fed only those who can
buy - not the workers who produce them.

After the meeting of Global network in Lima, from 22-24 September 2007, Yan
from the Solidar and I decided to take a one day trip to Ica, an exporting
food producing town, 300 kms south of Peru.

The gab between rich and poor is shattering,
the poverty unimaginable.
the spirit of struggle,
the honesty and friendliness of the peopel of Peru


Thai workers in Taiwan: A lottery for Life Long Debt.
This films is viewing of testimony of four Thai women migrant workers in
Taiwan working as domestic and factory workers.

These workers saidthat 'they have bought lotteries for 150,000 -190,000 Baht
(4,700 - 6,000 USD)  to the road to 'life long debt'.
They said loosing in gambling is better, there is still something left..
Going to Taiwan one time is worse than losing gambling 10 times.


Life Without Identity - a film about two million migrant workers from Burma
in Thailand

Labour organization estimate that there are 2 million migrant workers in
Thailand. 75% are from Burma and Karen, Shan, Kachin. This documentary show
how their life in Thailand, especially in Mae Sot and Mahachai.

A song from our heart
Shan Youth Power
Calling for peace and democracy in Burma

This is a song from our hearts
This is a song with hopes.
This is a song from poor boys,
to let you know. Oh my lord where are you?
Can you see what is happened in your world?

Some live in peace and justice.
Some live in mess and sufferred.
Some abuse human rights.
Are we the same human being?
Lord of the world, can you help?
Let's us be human being, like other please.

We can stay without home.
We can live without land.
But we can't live without rights without freedom.

International Labour Film Festival in Thailand http://vimeo.com/12697323

With the support of 11.11.11 and Oxfam Solidarity, during 25 November 2008
through to March 2009, the Thai Labour Campaign (TLC) organised an
International Labour Film Festival caravan to 10 places all around Thailand,
including industrial zones, villages and temples and also the Chiangmai
University campus.

This film, around the activity of the film festival, shows how beautiful are
the people, culture and landscape of 'ISAN' in the northeast.


Thai Labour Campaign journey to connect with Cambodia and Vietnam.

This is a film of a dream come true. For years the TLC staff had been
waiting to be able to go, with unions friends, to share experiences, learn
and build solidarity with the people of Indo-China - outside Thailand. From
August 12 - 24, 2008 we travelled from Bangkok by minibus to Siem Riep in
Cambodia, by boat to Phenom Penh and by public bus to Ho Chi Minh City, with
many meetings with unions and NGOs along the road.
Many thanks to Diakonia, Action Aid and Oxfam Solidarity for all their
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Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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