[p2p-research] public domain markup and eyewriter project

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 08:20:20 CEST 2010

from the o-m list:

Topic: F/OSS, DIY Eye-Tracking Glasses for People with Paralysis
"Parijata D. Mackey" <parijata at gmail.com> Aug 12 05:51PM -0700 ^

Unfortunately, I neither know the people involved nor had anything to
do with the project, but it looks awesome -- check it out:

The EyeWriter Project: http://www.refresheverything.com/eyewriter

The EyeWriter project is a collaborative effort using creativity and
technology to empower people who suffer from paralysis. The EyeWriter
is low-cost, eye-tracking glasses & free, open-source software that
allows writers and artists with paralysis to draw and communicate
using only their eyes.


The EyeWriter provides low-cost, DIY hardware and FREE software for
anyone suffering from paralysis caused from ALS, stroke, neuromuscular
disease, spinal cord damage or injuries sustained in war. The
EyeWriter allows people the freedom to once again establish their
artistic selves & communicate again using only their eyes!

Our project was born from the needs and desires of artists and writers
who had lost the physical ability to express their natural creative
skills. While there are products that already exist to help patients
communicate, they are extremely expensive, heavy and very difficult to
acquire through health insurance or Medicaid.

What we discovered was that we could offer the basic freedom of
communication, at next to no cost, to all people who live without the
use of their hands for any multitude of reasons from degenerative
disease to traumatic injury.

Deliverables: 1,000 Eyewriters to be distributed to individuals nationwide

How will the 250K be Used?
$ 80,000 Software programming costs, advanced rounds of ocular tracking
$ 50,000 Materials to fabricate 1,000 EyeWriters
$ 12,500 Postage and distribution of 1,000 EyeWriters
$ 30,000 Website creation and custom interface for EyeWriter users
$ 15,000 Website upkeep and maintenance
$ 55,000 Staff funding, outreach development, web specialists
$ 7,500 Misc, overhead, travel expenses

Parijata Mackey
University of Chicago
parijata at gmail.com

“Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and
find your liberty.” --Frank Herbert

“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of
what I am saying.” --Oscar Wilde

〈 φuantum mⅇcℎanics | tℎ∈ dℝ∈ams stuff aℝⅇ ma∂ⅇ o⨖ 〉

 Topic: [open-science] CC Public Domain Mark
Bryan Bishop <kanzure at gmail.com> Aug 12 10:37AM -0500 ^

The public domain mark mockups are now available over at Creative Commons:

These are social and legal tools for marking media and data as in the public

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Wilbanks <wilbanks at creativecommons.org>
Date: Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 10:32 AM
Subject: [open-science] CC Public Domain Mark
To: SPARC-OpenData <SPARC-OpenData at arl.org>, open-science <
open-science at lists.okfn.org>

Apologies for cross-posting.

I thought everyone should be aware of the new Creative Commons Public Domain
Mark and the ability to perform cut-and-paste citation from inside the CC0
"human readable" deed. I have detailed the work in a blog post at
please feel free to ask me questions directly if you are interested.

We expect to build a significant amount of normative infrastructure around
the citation capability in our partnerships with the larger open science
players who are already using CC0, such as Sage Bionetworks (hopefully this
will provide some useful functionality to the Sage Cite project), Personal
Genome Project, Polar Information Commons, and our emerging work on open
energy and climate change data. And hopefully the PDM mark will begin to
gain some traction with larger, governmental entities in the coming months
to ensure that the bedrock of open data is as open as it can be...


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