[p2p-research] software/hardware workers coop in ireland?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 18:17:21 CEST 2010

davidc <david at indigo.uk.to> Aug 15 03:35PM -0700 ^

To follow up on my call-out for members in Ireland last year (
) ...
If any one from Ireland has joined the list since my initial post, and
is interested in the proposal below, they are welcome to get in touch.

I am thinking of trying to set up some sort cooperative over here at
some stage.
Basically, a non-hierarchical workers cooperative - no boss, people
work according to whatever arrangement(s) are mutually suitable, etc..
The only sort of authority we acknowledge is that which is based on
competence - not economic power, privilege, or putative

If your primary incentive for getting involved would be to make money,
then please don't contact me.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to earn money - at all. It's just
that making money is not what this is about. This is about working
towards a gift economy.
If we happen to make money along the way, that's a bonus. I doubt that
we would frankly, but who knows.

As regards money, my thoughts are this:
Between members of the cooperative, we should have as little to do
with money as possible - dealings with each other (i.e. members of the
cooperative) should resemble something more akin to a gift economy. We
endeavour to help each other without resorting to considerations such
as money (including alternative currencies) or exchange; tools,
equipment and resources are shared rather than owned privately
(although there may be exceptions to this). Being accepted as member
of the cooperative is contingent on a willingness to treat other
members along these lines.
With non-members, asking for money is not a problem.

If it did end up being financially profitable - and I by no means
expect that it will - we could maybe look into the possibility of
becoming a formal worker's cooperative (i.e. a legal entity).

Hardware we could maybe focus on:
- lead-acid battery desulphators
- Universal Software Radio Peripheral (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Software_Radio_Peripheral )
Other suggestions welcome.

I'm interested in feedback from list members who are not in Ireland as
well - as regards the general concept.
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Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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