[p2p-research] re-New Town - Sustainable Urban Housing &Community 2050

Michael Gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 21:56:22 CEST 2010

I was finally able to download and read this document, thanks Matt!

Unfortunately doing so spoiled for me what was turning out to be very nice

This document displays the worst features of planning--trendiness,
self-satisfaction, arrogance and a complete and blithe perhaps willful,
perhaps unconscious ignorance and avoidance of human agency and
group/community process(es).

They point with some disdain at the previous experience with (and failure
of) planned communities in the UK and following in Japan and others while
failing to draw the appropriate conclusions from these failure... The
planned communities haven't failed because the planners weren't smart enough
at planning, they have failed because they were completely arrogant in their
attitudes towards the residents (and prospective residents) who not without
reason saw the emptiness of the plans to which they were subject and voted
with their feet for communities which would respect their choices and their
desire/need to be involved in making crucial decisions on how they, their
families and their communities would live now and evolve in the future.

Heaven preserve us from "educated idiots".


-----Original Message-----
From: p2presearch-bounces at listcultures.org
[mailto:p2presearch-bounces at listcultures.org] On Behalf Of Matt
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 8:26 AM
To: p2presearch at listcultures.org
Subject: Re: [p2p-research] re-New Town - Sustainable Urban Housing
&Community 2050

Below is the download link to the scanned MIT report. Enjoy !

Direct Download: http://tinyurl.com/MIT-re-New-Town-Report
Preview: http://preview.tinyurl.com/MIT-re-New-Town-Report


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