[p2p-research] On Alex Rollin stated intentions to expel me from the P2P Foundation board

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 07:12:54 CEST 2010

Though I promised to refrain, please allow me to show this page, part of a
dozen or so, that can be found in the P2P Foundation

I give detailed arguments why this is serious in a private conversation,
which Kevin  can share if he wants, but I abstain given my promise.

but, see for yourself:

This is part of a pattern of about a dozen pages that are proposals, but
presented as policy of the P2P Foundation, and would be read as such by any
unaware visitor, and if my reading would correct, would take it into a whole
new direction of total commitment in which any individual interests are read
in total opposition of the collective ... My reading is not only that such
misrepresentation is a serious breach in itself, but that the tonality of
the documents by itself, give an indication of what an oppressive regime
would look like.

I totally agree with George Dafermos' take on the situation, i.e. that
influence and build authority based on trust is not a form of oppressive
coercion, and paradoxically, domination can hide between a rule-based

I'm just asking people to be aware of this as this conflict unfolds,


On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 2:24 AM, Kevin Carson <
free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 8/12/10, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > But, Alex also brings a second set of changes, to which I strongly
> object.
> > And this is nothing less than a vision of content as code. Alex sees
> content
> > as consisting of a series of modular, that can be re-used, pretty much as
> > software does.
> > So, not only is it difficult for me to change a page, but when I do, I
> have
> > to make sure that the change is consistent over the various parts where
> Alex
> > has seeded that content. And this needs to be done for every piece of
> code.
> > This creates two additional problems. One is that if both visions fuse.
> What
> > you then get is material in the wiki, which claims to be positivistic,
> and
> > therefore unsigned, and starts telling people, "this is p2p". In that
> case,
> > what I do is to put the so-called objective intro in the discussion field
> > and sign it Alex Rollin, making it a legitimate but partial vision. But
> of
> > course, when I do that, I run into all the problems above, and Alex
> starts
> > screaming that I'm damaging his code, as changes here, affect changes in
> > another place.
> If I understand this correctly, it is completely insidious.  My
> consistent response, in the face of arguments from people like Jaron
> Lanier and Andrew Keen that network organization destroys "authorial
> voice," is that stigmergy preserves the utmost in both individualism
> and collective action, without compromising or impairing either.
> But if individual voice and temporal/authorial context are obscured by
> a schematizing approach and a false unity or objectivity of voice,
> this is not true.  IMO the wiki should not attempt to conceal, behind
> a false monolith, the fact that it is the composite work of many
> individuals with individual viewpoints.
> I don't know if the Myers-Briggs typology is relevant here, but it
> seems to me that _NTJ types, as opposed to _NTPs, are far more prone
> to authoritarian attempts to impose the one correct pattern on other
> people.
> --
> Kevin Carson
> Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
> Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
> http://mutualist.blogspot.com
> The Homebrew Industrial Revolution:  A Low-Overhead Manifesto
> http://homebrewindustrialrevolution.wordpress.com
> Organization Theory:  A Libertarian Perspective
> http://mutualist.blogspot.com/2005/12/studies-in-anarchist-theory-of.html
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