[p2p-research] text as code

M. Fioretti marco at digifreedom.net
Thu Aug 12 16:00:42 CEST 2010

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 19:29:59 PM +0700, Michel Bauwens (michelsub2004 at gmail.com) wrote:

> You would still have to look down on the immense majoirity of the
> human population.

Sorry, no.  Those who look down on people who can't or don't like to
code are RMS, the Free SW Foundation and everybody else thinking in
that way. My work and much of my writings go exactly in the opposite

I do NOT look down etc etc . I have only explicitly, specifically said
that what is perfectly acceptable and without consequences for the
average Internet user who makes one Wikipedia entry per year or one
short blog post per month or some short chat on Facebook, sooner or
later becomes an handicap for that one in 10000 person who wants/needs
to do the specific heavy work you do 24/7. And added that in general
it may be in YOUR interest, because of YOUR specific profession and
needs, to do something about it, both to save yourself from future
stress and to become much more productive in the long run.

> I'm really surprised at people who... are fans of non-contextualized
> content creation

? Have you realized that I said exactly the opposite in my previous
post, agreeing that if this is what is happening in this specific case
you're right to dislike it and to ask that it stops?


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