[p2p-research] Compromise? Submission to Process = Temporary Peace?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 14:46:11 CEST 2010

I agreed to James proposals before, but, given Alex stated intent to expel
from the board, I can no longer accept that solution. Alex also made it
clear in a skype conversation that his intent has not changed.

Alex' messages regarding the editing of material are a little contradictory,
since he also announced a plan to transform all important pages to his code.
Alex is also still not happy when even one line of code disappears, even

At this stage, I want a pause in the architectural changes in the wiki, and
I don't want Alex to be in charge of these changes, since he does not care
about the needs and wishes of the main users, despite repeated private and
public attempts to change this ..

The only acceptable solutions for me are to restrict Alex role to one  as
content creator, until there is appeasement, though at this stage, I'd
prefer he would practice his trade elswhere.

Alex is at war with me, and that has not changed, we are still having
hostile skype conversations and such, and he still thinks I should be a
subordinated user. I think it's the other way around, this wiki is a
knowledge commons centered around content creation, and information
architecture is subordinated to that overall goal.

Again, you do not go into someone's house and oblige them to change all the
furniture, which is what Alex has done. He wants process ,but refuses all
process regarding his architectural changes.

My intention is to revert to a wiki where content creation is easy, and
where changes aim at even further improving this. Some of Alex interventions
cleary went into that direction, but others not.

This has now gone on for too long, I want to get to work again, in the
easiest possible way.


On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 7:30 PM, Alex Rollin <alex.rollin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Let's step into process and quit broadcasting, hey?  Who like process!?  I
> do I do!
> Michel's complaints:
>    1. Tech in the wiki is crazy dangerous and should be moderated
>    2. Alex is a wild editor and can't be controlled
>    3. Alex is a revolutionary trying to kick Michel out of his cottage
>    industry
> Alex's Response:
>    1. Alex will gladly remove all crazy tech and submit to a review
>    process that keeps Michel's needs in mind and makes reasonable demands on
>    each person
>    2. Alex has already stopped editing Michel's create(d) pages, and
>    stopped any destructive edits weeks ago.  Ask Michel to point new ones out,
>    if you don't believe me.
>    3. Alex thinks Michel is a bad front guy, and that a user conflict
>    resolution policy and a code of conduct for the board are appropriate.  Alex
>    has no formal or structural power right now, though, and would ask others to
>    look at that as the primary issue.  A conflict resolution process to which
>    Michel would be willing to submit is my actual goal.
> Without process organizations die.  Let's make some process and prevent
> Michel from drumming out every loudmouth talented brat.
> Everyone ought to take a look at the process that Michel, James, and Alex
> all agreed to.
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Wiki_Use_Policy
> Keep in mind that Michel agrees it's a good process, but refuses to submit
> to it now.  He just told me on chat that his reason for non-cooperation is
> #3 above.
> What do you think about that?
> Alex
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