[p2p-research] text as code

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 14:29:59 CEST 2010

A quick response to Marco and Patrick,

This is a cultural conflict, you naturally think as tech-savvy people that
everybody should have the same skills and inclinations, but even if I would,
I would still be one of the few willing to learn programmatic code. You
would still have to look down on the immense majoirity of the human

Patrick, your vision is legimate, but it is just a vision, there are others,
and mine is one that differentiates between text, code, designs .. different
domains need different solutions, but of course there are some commonalities
as well,

all I'm asking is: don't impose your vision in such a way as to make the
life of content creators more difficult, but only to make it easier, but if
you want a playground there is nothing wrong with that and you are free to
create a forked wiki where edting can only be done through programmatic

Marco: the only reason the web even exists is because of all the easy to use
tools that were made, like wordpress for example, which allow non-technical
people to create content without knowing code and the same is true for the
wiki. Again, I have nothing against code per se, only if it makes life more

You are empiraclly mistaken about exhaustion ... I have not been exhausted
by four  years of heavy  productivity creating content, I use ways and means
which greatly ease that process. Now however, empirically, my productivity
is way down, since each edit takes editing time from less than a minute to
more than 10 minutes, requires testing for differential effects across
multiple pages ... it is that which is truly exhausting ...

I'm really surprised at people who would use technology to make life more
difficult to content creators, and are fans of non-contextualized content
creation ... but again, fine if you want to do this, as long as the others
can keep using the same tools in an easy way.


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