[p2p-research] On Alex Rollin stated intentions to expel me from the P2P Foundation board

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 12:39:27 CEST 2010

Michel Bauwens wrote:
> limit Alex capabilities to make architectural changes.
> initiate the technical proceedings to have an embargo

Ah yes, the sword of ownership comes down...

> My objection is clear: text is not software code,
> and cannot be treated in the same way.

Maybe you are wrong.

I think of text and code as the same.  Why treat them differently?
Both must be parsed to be acted upon.  Code is only different because
it must follow much more strict rules.  And that is only true because
computers are not yet capable of dealing with ambiguity and mistakes.

> Editing needs to remain easy and text needs
> to remain contextualized.

If the modularity is done carefully, then this is not true.

And even when it is true, all you need to do is copy/paste the text
for that section into the place where you want a contextualized
version and then make the changes.

But in your most recent push against modularity you removed the
'section' markers at http://P2PFoundation.net/Transparency

These markers are used by the wiki software to know where to pull
content *from*.

They are not damaging in any way, and have no effect at all until
someone uses them.

But since they were already in use, what you did was similar in nature
to renaming an 'include' file - breaking the codebase wherever that
content was being included.

Your approach does not scale.  What you are doing is digging a pit for
yourself and for anyone who intends to maintain the wiki in the

For programmers:  Imagine a project where all the text for every
library was copy/pasted into the files that would otherwise #include
that text.  And imagine every call to every function were eliminated
and all that text were copy/pasted in-place so that in the end all you
were left with was assembly language opcodes.  It is good to let the
compiler do some of that work so you can get on with describing and
solving higher-level problems.

For non-programmers: It is good to let the wiki-software do some of
that work so you can get on with describing and solving higher-level

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