[p2p-research] On Alex Rollin stated intentions to expel me from the P2P Foundation board

Darren Sharp dasharp at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 06:22:43 CEST 2010

Dear Michel,

You have my full support.
I know how hard you've worked over these last few years to get the P2P
Foundation to where it is today.
Hopefully the Foundation can move forward peacefully from now on.


On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 5:33 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Though my critique of Alex has been harsh, I have explained why I thought
> that was necessary, I have always made the disctinction between his
> contributions, and the fact that I was opposed to him imposing new
> technological directions for our wiki without process and taking into
> account the opinion of its main contributor.
> Alex of course retorts that all his propositions are viewable (some of them
> indeed are, many changes are not), but they are of such a volume that it is
> not possible to process by the communty, nor by myself. The result is a
> rapid escalation of changes, most of them beneficial, but some of them
> greatly complicating the editorial work, which I oppose. I never said this
> before, but I'd like to reveal now that from the very first day, Alex
> actually stated that he did not intend to ask for my permission or opinion
> on any matter, which is actually fine, as long as I have the same freedom,
> which I have not if technological changes are imposed.
> Because of my double evaluation, which recognizes alex's key contributions
> and importance, I even yesterday proposed to James Burke in a Skype
> conversation to reserve a place for Alex in the new board, pending our
> decision on which process we would use to make the choices. Because we do
> not have a membership, the idea was to propose a list of names, publish it
> on the list, and wait for reactions, in order to reach a consensus. Since we
> are seriously considering building a membership organisation, at some point
> in the next few years, probably this will happen through elections.
> This for the context, why the urgency.
> Alex has sent me a private letter, which I'm not suppose to divulge, and I
> will not, but it also contains a threat.
> Namely the following: "*You can bet I will vote you off the board as soon
> as I get a chance, but in the mean time you would do very well to keep this
> kind of thing under wraps*."
> Cleary Alex is not happy with the public discussion, hence the threat of:
> *"be quiet or else"* and at the same time, I'm unwilling to keep it under
> wraps, he knows that, we knew that, so the next step is already declared.
> This is valuable information.
> But I do think that his threat and position as a overt enemy in the
> organisation I have created with James, is not acceptable. I talked about a
> hostile IPO before, and perhaps nobody else saw this or felt this in quite
> the same way as I did, and of course, the primary issue was the imposition
> of a new policy and direction that I did not approve of.
> This is different, and a step in the escalation in which Alex declares
> himself an enemy.
> I do not think this is acceptable. Therefore, it is a matter of principle
> for me that Alex Rollin will NOT sit on the board, and I'm reinforced not
> only in the belief that there should be a fork, but now that this fork
> should be OUTSIDE of the P2P Foundation.
> Thanks for sharing your perspectives.
> My position is clear: it is not workable to have a declared enemy, opposed
> to the very organisation I have founded and tried to create.
> Once again, the P2P Foundation is pluralist, and strives for peer
> governance and democracy, but I do believe there is a justifiable boundary
> when sometimes declares an open civil war.
> Building the P2P Foundation is both a personal project and a collective
> project, where hopefully the collective can transcend the personal at some
> point, and obviously, I have my own limits. Nevertheless, I believe my
> personal contribution has been necessary and important, and that the
> continued growth of our work should be based on trust. We are not yet at a
> stage where factions vie for dominance, and perhaps never should.
> What I'm now asking is indeed trust. I have made an evaluation of Alex
> Rollin, I have tried first to privately convey my unhappiness at imposed
> policy stages, then made the issue public in face of any progress, but
> making a careful difference between the attempt to moderate the
> technological changes, and Alex' otherwise positive contributions.
> Alex however, is playing a different game, and clearly states his intention
> to expel me and to see support for this. It seems to me that this is a time
> of choosing, and I hope my friends and P2P Foundation supporters will
> support my continued efforts, and that since Alex finds my presence
> unacceptable, should found his own, using freely of course, all the material
> that has been collected so far, which is a commons for all to use.
> Michel Bauwens
> --
> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
> Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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