[p2p-research] Fwd: Countdown. to 350

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 19:31:38 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jamie Henn - 350.org <organizers at 350.org>
Date: Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 1:59 AM
Subject: Countdown.
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

 Dear friends,

Today marks an important milestone for the 350 campaign--*it's the 8th of
August, and we're precisely two months away from Global Work Party on
We're calling 10/10/10 "A Day to Celebrate Climate Solutions."  I know what
many of you are thinking: Celebrate? What do we have to celebrate?

It's true, with all the devastating climate news out there in the world
right now -- floods in Pakistan, environmental disasters in China, heatwaves
across much of the planet, and a dead climate bill in the US Senate -- it's
easy to get depressed.

Yet, looking over all the events now being planned for the 10/10/10 Global
Work Party, I can tell you that we're making progress. Your efforts are
building a powerful movement--a movement strong enough to last us through
these tough times.

*We've still got a steep mountain to climb, and with politicians trying to
back away from strong climate action your work is needed now, more than ever

If you're not yet involved, please join thousands of people across the
planet by Finding<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=MygSSy2cx8h%2BPw0JS783T%2FBlyqDtgoBc>or
event for 10/10/10.

[image: Find an


[image: Start an


Want to start an event but aren't sure quite what to do on 10/10/10? Read
help plan your 10/10/10 event.

*I know that organizing an event is a big thing to ask of you--much harder
than clicking a petition or emailing a politician.* But organizing with our
friends to transform our communities is fun too--and it's what it's going to
take to make real progress.

We know that without organizing, we won't be able to build a movement large
enough to push our politicians to take real climate action. A strong and
vibrant climate movement will create the political space for our champions
to lead; take-on the big polluters and bought-off politicians who are
blocking progress; and help us implement innovative climate solutions from
the ground up.

And the best part? Getting to work building this movement is easier than you

All across the planet right now, people like you are taking a few hours out
of their week to start planning a community event for 10/10/10. They're
figuring out that organizing a Work Party is just like organizing a normal
party, you just need to:

   - Pick the *time and the place*
   - Choose some *activities* (try figuring out how to cut your emissions
   10% in 2010--think planting trees, installing efficient lightbulbs, and
   fixing up bikes.  For more ideas, click
   - Plan some *entertainment* (a local band, some engaging speakers, or an
   art project--like painting a mural about climate solutions.)
   - *Invite the person you're trying to impress* (invite that girl or guy
   you think is cute, but also be sure to invite your local politicians and
   tell them to "Get to work!")
   - And make sure to *take photos* (that's how we'll show the world all our
   good work, and stitch together a powerful global mosaic of action.)

Your event will be united with thousands of other events around the world.
You'll also be supported by some great organizations, like our allies at
10:10, Greenpeace, and many others who have signed on to make the day a big

Together, we'll send a powerful signal to our world leaders: we're getting
to work, what about you?

With so much at stake, it's not surprising that the allies of the big
polluters are trying to convince the public that progress is impossible,
that we'll never see government action on climate change. But we know that
it's not a lack of technology or science or good policy that's holding back
progress: it's a lack of political will.

With your help, we'll create that political will from the ground up. It's
the work that's worth doing, and it is the work that will really make a
difference -- if we stand up and do it together.

Please join thousands of people across the planet by signing up an event for
10/10/10 today:

Thank you,

Jamie Henn for the 350.org Team

P.S. Let the world know: 10/10/10 is going to be HUGE, and the two month
countdown is on.  Click here to share it on Facebook
click here to share it on Twitter.


You should join us on Facebook by becoming a fan of our page at
follow us on twitter by visiting

To join our list (maybe a friend forwarded you this e-mail) visit

350.org needs your help! To support our work, donate securely online at

You are subscribed to this list as michelsub2004 at gmail.com. Click here to

*350.org is an international grassroots campaign that aims to mobilize a
global climate movement* united by a common call to action. By spreading an
understanding of the science and a shared vision for a fair policy, we will
ensure that the world creates bold and equitable solutions to the climate
crisis. 350.org is an independent and not-for-profit project.
What is 350? *350 is the number that leading scientists say is the safe
upper limit for carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Scientists measure carbon
dioxide in "parts per million" (ppm), so 350ppm is the number humanity needs
to get below as soon as possible to avoid runaway climate change. To get
there, we need a different kind of PPM-a "people powered movement" that is
made of people like you in every corner of the planet.

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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