[p2p-research] the sticky-wiki mproblem

Matt matt at digiblade.com
Wed Aug 11 16:52:21 CEST 2010

Just a few small things to add to the discussion:
First of all, I can see both sides of this and my input is just to add a
little info to help make a decision.
WYSIWYG editors are great and I use them all the time, flipping from visual
view to HTML view. The problem seems that Media-Wiki does not have a true
WYSIWYG interface:
This quote from the above link is key and I think distills this argument
down to the core:
'The problem is that any WYSIWYG editor would have to know wikitext grammar,
and no full grammar for wikitext exists - the "parser" doesn't parse, it's a
twisty series of regular expressions. So present WYSIWYG editors either have
to (a) reverse-engineer as much of a grammar as they can, or (b) forget
wikitext and just write HTML.'

I hope you two can work this out. 


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