[p2p-research] Fwd: important message to all p2p foundation sympathizers

Dan Brickley danbri at danbri.org
Tue Aug 10 11:02:05 CEST 2010

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Michel Bauwens
<michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I can imagine that most of you find some of the squabbles of the list tedious, and have not been following it in detail.


This might seem terribly retro, but my recommendation would be that
the two of you pick up the phone, or better sit down face to face, and
sort out your differences using non-textual communication. Sorry if
this seems patronising or stating the obvious, but hey... Try working
on the assumption of mutual good faith, and figure out the basic
elements of a compromise solution - maybe starting with the least
emotionally charged topics, if you can even agree on what they are.
Markup complexity is not a black-and-white topic, so perhaps you could
start there?

I don't know either of you, I don't know whether you know each other
yet offline, or much of the backstory. I signed up to the list since
seeing a promising mention of the project in some presentation slides
recently, and have been skimming these distressed and upset-sounding
mails on and off for the last few weeks. Maybe your collaborative
relationship is unsalvageable, but I'd like to hear you've both tried
actually speaking to each other before seeing my inbox fill up last
resort discussions about wiki duplication and master passwords...

Good luck,


(btw I'm paying per megabyte to download these threads thanks to the
magic of 3G USB :)

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