[p2p-research] Fwd: important message to all p2p foundation sympathizers

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 12:55:29 CEST 2010

hi marco,

thanks for your input,

I agree with this, see just below, but it's a choice a make, and at this
stage, focusing on content production and excell in that, seems best to me,
despite all the drawbacks you mention,

I also agree with the general point that the problem is two people wanting
to do different things in the same place, and that this is the key issue
that needs solving,


- go out of business
- be hacked and lose all your data, with no obligation to you
- change their terms of service, or start charging money (remember
 ning?), therefore becoming unsustainable, but WITHOUT giving you any
 "wiki migration function", ie forcing you to retype everything
 somewhere else
- terminate your account and cancel all your stuff "just because"

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 5:04 PM, M. Fioretti <mfioretti at nexaima.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 16:14:30 PM +0700, Michel Bauwens
> (michelsub2004 at gmail.com) wrote:
> Let's start from this (taking my comment that follows as just a bit of
> absolutely _general_ friendly advice given with constructive spirit,
> and feel free to completely ignore it of course):
> > I would personally not know how to fork a wiki, nor care to learn,
> > ... I do not wish to go in that direction of learning this
> > technology,
> > ... in the worst case, I would use public spaces like blogger and
> > such, look for free wikispaces on the net, and do things that I can
> > launch in five minutes, and proceed from there, ...I want to focus
> > on content production, and I'm ready to pay the price for this lack
> > of expertise...  the important thing for me is the ability to work
> > in peace and productively
> I really don't see how you can keep publishing online as MUCH as you
> want to do (especially in a collaborative way) AND afford at all the
> "nor care to learn" position in the medium/ long term. Unless you're
> sure you can always pay some professional to handle the details for
> you. This hasn't even anything to do with being free software geeks or
> not, because the required skills are NOT about programming, but let's
> ignore that. Point is, if you moved to any of the "public spaces" you
> mention, you'd have NO guarantee that they wouldn't, in 1/2 years from
> now (or every 1/2 years...) that their providers:
> - go out of business
> - be hacked and lose all your data, with no obligation to you
> - change their terms of service, or start charging money (remember
>  ning?), therefore becoming unsustainable, but WITHOUT giving you any
>  "wiki migration function", ie forcing you to retype everything
>  somewhere else
> - terminate your account and cancel all your stuff "just because"
> Again, this is just a really general friendly thought/advice that we
> can merrily discard from now in discussing the current problem. With
> respect to that, it seems clear to me that:
>  "the majority" including me, has no preference, be it because it
>  would take too much time to make a really informed opinion or
>  whatever else. Otherwise this thread wouldn't have lasted so long
>  with only you and Alex talking to each other. I'm NOT saying "please
>  stop filling the list". I am just saying "probably it's pointless to
>  expect more/any feedback from the list", you have to sort this out
>  between the two of you and Sam.
>  since YOU and not Alex started the foundation and did almost all the
>  website work until today, personally I could not object or blame if
>  you had simply told Alex weeks ago "thanks but from now on you will
>  only work inside alex.p2pfoundation.net period". EVEN IF I WERE SURE
>  that he's 100% right and you 100% wrong (which I am far from being,
>  since I haven't followed the discussion and I know so little of the
>  website content that can't figure out without lots of time which
>  organization I would prefer). That's why I asked, essentially, can
>  you control the current website or not?
> I mean, to me right now, more than "who's right, Michel or Alex" it
> seems more important to ask "what's the best way to let both of them
> not stump on each other and let time tell which way is best?"
> This whole problem doesn't exist because nobody knows which way is
> better. It only exists because you want to do two different things in
> the same place.
> HTH,
>  Marco
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