[p2p-research] Fwd: important message to all p2p foundation sympathizers

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 11:14:30 CEST 2010

Hi Marco,

I must confess I do not know who owns the wiki domain name and server, and
James burke should know,

it was originally brice leblevennec of ex machina, but I know that James is
now paying for server space with his own money. I'm assuming that James is
the guy with the key, both for the blog and wiki.

I would personally not know how to fork a wiki, nor care to learn,

this means that if I would be compelled to do it and nobody would step
forward, I would have a problem .. in the worst case, I would use public
spaces like blogger and such, look for free wikispaces on the net, and do
things that I can launch in five minutes, and proceed from there,

this is no the ideal, and I can imagine free software geeks disapproving,
but I do not wish to go in that direction of learning this technology, I
want to focus on content production, and I'm ready to pay the price for this
lack of expertise,

if a fork is necessary or unavoidable, I would of course find it more
logical that Alex would fork, rather than me, since the legacy system has
been overwhelmingly created through my efforts, and his contributions are of
a later origin, but if necessary, if the majority prefers a progammatic
wiki, then I would accept a fork for me .. the important thing for me is the
ability to work in peace and productively

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 3:47 PM, M. Fioretti <mfioretti at nexaima.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 15:03:59 PM +0700, Michel Bauwens (
> michelsub2004 at gmail.com) wrote:
> > Dear friends,
> > I can imagine that most of you find some of the squabbles of the list
> tedious,
> > and have not been following it in detail.
> I confess that a) I haven't indeed followed the discussion in detail
> and b) for that and other reasons I honestly do NOT have an idea about
> which way is technically better, so I'm in no conditions to take side
> on this and would rather avoid it.
> This said, there is one thing that I don't understand, probably my
> fault because of a) above: who is that, from a purely technical point
> of view, actually "owns" the website today?
> (Yes, I could find most of the info below by myself if I looked, but I
> am asking here instead simply to stimulate discussion and possibly
> help others to find a solution)
> By "own" I mean:
> - has the main account and password to the current wordpress
>  installation, with the power to make full backups, create other
>  users, delete them or alter their editing privileges etc...
> - is the owner of the p2pfoundation.org domain name, which also means
>  having the power to make new subdomains like
>  new-wiki.p2pfoundation.org
> - pays the bill for the server where everything is running today
> This person (let's assume it's always the same for simplicity) has all
> the power needed (again, from a purely technical point of view) to
> make a fork NOW and almost automatically, regardless of what others
> think.
> So, Michel, is this discussion going on because you do not _want_ to
> make that fork or because you _cannot_ do it, since it is Alex himself
> or somebody else who agrees with him, to hold the key?
> Marco
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