[p2p-research] Fwd: important message to all p2p foundation sympathizers

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Tue Aug 10 10:47:57 CEST 2010

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 15:03:59 PM +0700, Michel Bauwens (michelsub2004 at gmail.com) wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I can imagine that most of you find some of the squabbles of the list tedious,
> and have not been following it in detail.

I confess that a) I haven't indeed followed the discussion in detail
and b) for that and other reasons I honestly do NOT have an idea about
which way is technically better, so I'm in no conditions to take side
on this and would rather avoid it.

This said, there is one thing that I don't understand, probably my
fault because of a) above: who is that, from a purely technical point
of view, actually "owns" the website today?

(Yes, I could find most of the info below by myself if I looked, but I
am asking here instead simply to stimulate discussion and possibly
help others to find a solution)

By "own" I mean:

- has the main account and password to the current wordpress
  installation, with the power to make full backups, create other
  users, delete them or alter their editing privileges etc...

- is the owner of the p2pfoundation.org domain name, which also means
  having the power to make new subdomains like

- pays the bill for the server where everything is running today

This person (let's assume it's always the same for simplicity) has all
the power needed (again, from a purely technical point of view) to
make a fork NOW and almost automatically, regardless of what others

So, Michel, is this discussion going on because you do not _want_ to
make that fork or because you _cannot_ do it, since it is Alex himself
or somebody else who agrees with him, to hold the key?


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