[p2p-research] against human rentals

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 01:04:26 CEST 2010

Josef Davies-Coates wrote:
> In most workers co-op members are both paid a wage and receive a
> dividend (share of profits) relative to how much work they have done.

Profit is not a result of Worker Effort, it is a result of Consumer
Dependence caused by lack of ownership in the Means of Production.

So, from a systems perspective, treating Profit as a reward for owners
is dangerous because it creates a positive-feedback loop that further
concentrates ownership into the hands of those few.

Treating Profit as a reward for the current owners is the cause of
Primitive Accumulation and the concentration of power we already
see in the absentee-landlord ownership arrangement.

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