[p2p-research] against human rentals

Josef Davies-Coates lists at uniteddiversity.com
Tue Aug 10 00:35:14 CEST 2010

On 6 August 2010 11:03, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi patrick,
> I'm assuming that since worker's own the coop, they are not in a wage
> relation to it, but share collectively in its proceeds, and are getting
> 'paid' in that new way,

In most workers co-op members are both paid a wage and receive a dividend
(share of profits) relative to how much work they have done.

>  as opposed to a coop hiring external workers for example

Mondragon has been criticsed in the past for doing just this, i.e.
outsourcing some manufacturing etc to cheap overseas labourers who are not
members of the co-op.

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