[p2p-research] some wiki editing rules

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Mon Aug 9 19:22:05 CEST 2010

Oh Loyal and Stalwart Defender of Michel Samule Rose, I do find your
contributions helpful.

I like the process and hope we can get a bot soon.  I have am stymied
with the Python.

> I would like to suggest that we could maybe do the following on dead links:
> 1. We need a way to contact active wiki participants as a group
> 2. We audit them once per month, by viewing
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Special:WantedPages and then put out a call
> on front page of wiki, and to this list, etc, for people to help build
> those pages, with a stated deadline, and a description of what is
> minimally needed (should be part of wiki policy somewhere as to what a
> stub should minimally contain).
> 3. If at the end of "x" amount of time, a page is not created (1
> month? 1 week?), a bot is used to remove it from
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Special:WantedPages list (which removes the
> dead link)
> We can research a way together to automate this (and automate making
> interested people aware of the dead links and opportunity to create
> content)
> What do you think about that?

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