[p2p-research] against human rentals

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Mon Aug 9 15:04:25 CEST 2010

I would say that personal freedom is very important in Europe.  Same
with happiness.

Possession has superseded ownership in many areas.

There's lots to read on the subject.  There is a reason the Commons
Conference is in Germany.  It's not easy to do such a thing in

Commons are about individual access, too.


On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 2:54 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks alex,
> it seems to me that at least in europe, the history of a non-collectivist
> left has been mostly forgotten and deleted from the labour movement's
> history,
> Michel
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 7:32 PM, Alex Rollin <alex.rollin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Hodgskin
>> Breakthrough from the early 1800s!
>> Thomas Hodgskin (b. 12 December 1787 Chatham, Kent, d. - 21 August
>> 1869 Feltham, Middlesex) was an English socialist writer on political
>> economy, critic of capitalism, free-market anarchist[1] and defender
>> of free trade and early trade unions.
>> Born of a father who worked in the Chatham Naval Dockyard, Hodgskin
>> joined the navy at the age of 12. He rose rapidly through the ranks in
>> the years of naval struggle with the French to the rank of first
>> lieutenant. Following the naval defeat of the French the opportunities
>> for advancement closed and Hodgskin increasingly ran into disciplinary
>> trouble with his superiors, eventually leading to his court martial
>> and dismissal in 1812. This prompted his first book An Essay on Naval
>> Discipline (1813) a scathing critique of the brutal authoritarian
>> regime then current in the navy.
>> Entering Edinburgh University for study he later came to London in
>> 1815 and entered the utilitarian circle around Francis Place, Jeremy
>> Bentham and James Mill. With their support he spent the next five
>> years in a programme of travel and study around Europe which resulted,
>> inter alia, in a second book "Travels in North Germany" (1820).
>> After 3 years in Edinburgh, Hodgskin returned to London in 1823 as a
>> journalist. Influenced by, amongst others, Jean Baptiste Say, his
>> views on political economy had diverged from the utilitarian orthodoxy
>> of David Ricardo and James Mill. During the controversy around the
>> parliamentary acts to first legalise and then ban worker's
>> "combinations" Mill and Ricardo had been in favour of the ban whereas
>> Hodgskin supported the right to organise. Taking Ricardo's labour
>> theory of value he used it to denounce the appropriation of the most
>> part of value produced by the labour of industrial workers as
>> illegitimate. He propounded these views in a series of lectures at the
>> London Mechanics Institute where he debated with William Thompson with
>> whom he shared the critique of capitalist expropriation but not the
>> proposed remedy. The results of these lectures and debates he
>> published as "Labour Defended against the Claims of Capital" (1825),
>> "Popular Political Economy" (1827) and "Natural and Artificial Right
>> of Property Contrasted" (1832). The title of "Labour Defended" was a
>> jibe at James Mill's earlier "Commerce Defended" and signalled his
>> opposition to the latters taking sides with the capitalists against
>> their employees.
>> Though his criticism of Employers appropriation of the lion's share of
>> the value produced by their employees went on to influence subsequent
>> generations of socialists, including Karl Marx, Hodgskin's fundamental
>> Deist beliefs identified production and exchange based on the labour
>> theory of value (freed from the supposedly illegitimate expropriations
>> of rent, interest and owner's profits) as part of "natural right", the
>> divinely ordained proper relations of society contrasted to
>> "artificial" contrivances — the source of disharmonies and conflicts.
>> He rejected the proto-communism of William Thompson and Robert Owen by
>> the same appeal to "natural right".
>> In 1823 Hodgskin joined forces with Joseph Clinton Robinson in
>> founding the "Mechanics Magazine". In the October 1823 edition
>> Hodgskin and Francis Place wrote a manifesto for a Mechanics
>> Institute. This would be more than a technical school but a place
>> where practical studies could be combined with practical reflection
>> about the condition of society. The inaugural meeting to found the
>> Institute took place in 1823 but the idea was taken over by people of
>> less radical views concerned about Hodgskin's unorthodox economic
>> views including George Birkbeck a well known educator from Glasgow.
>> Despite his high profile in the agitated revolutionary times of the
>> 1820s, he retreated into the realm of Whig journalism after the Reform
>> Act 1832. He became an advocate of free trade and spent 15 years
>> writing for The Economist. He worked on the paper with its founder
>> James Wilson and with the young Herbert Spencer. Hodgskin viewed the
>> demise of the Corn Laws as the first step to the downfall of
>> government and his libertarian anarchism was regarded as too radical
>> by many of the liberals of the Anti-Corn Law League. He left the
>> Economist in 1857. He continued working as a journalist for the rest
>> of his life.
>> On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > hi kevin,
>> >
>> > i think your notion here of severable agreements is a breakthrough
>> > concept,
>> > and really hope you can elaborate, eventually for a blog entry,
>> >
>> > this may be the analogical concept to forking in the domain of physical
>> > resources,
>> >
>> > Michel
>> >
>> > On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 12:05 AM, Kevin Carson
>> > <free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On 8/6/10, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> > yes, that sounds like a good transitional approach,
>> >> >
>> >> > by the way, I think that generally speaking, peer to peer differs and
>> >> >  moves
>> >> > away from the classic socialist approach by insisting on the maximum
>> >> > amount
>> >> > of personal sovereignty and control of the means of production ...
>> >> > i.e.
>> >> > it
>> >> > distrusts collective ownership that can be appropriated by
>> >> > institutions
>> >> > and
>> >> > the state, in favour of both individual and collectivist formst that
>> >> > are
>> >> > under maximum control of the individual who can freely invest or
>> >> > withdraw
>> >> > his productive resources,
>> >>
>> >> The individualist anarchists in America (and Hodgskin in England, who
>> >> was something of a kindred spirit) were socialists who also took the
>> >> ultra-individualist stance you describe.  Their position was that the
>> >> important thing was to remove monopoly rents on land and capital, and
>> >> then let free individuals cooperate (or not) as they saw fit.  Josiah
>> >> Warren, in particular, the ancestor of the American individualist
>> >> movement, had a temperamental aversion to all forms of cooperation
>> >> that didn't involve completely severable interests (e.g., he thought
>> >> that in cooperative production each separate piece of machinery should
>> >> be owned by one and only one person, with no joint shares in
>> >> anything).
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Kevin Carson
>> >> Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
>> >> Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
>> >> http://mutualist.blogspot.com
>> >> The Homebrew Industrial Revolution:  A Low-Overhead Manifesto
>> >> http://homebrewindustrialrevolution.wordpress.com
>> >> Organization Theory:  A Libertarian Perspective
>> >>
>> >> http://mutualist.blogspot.com/2005/12/studies-in-anarchist-theory-of.html
>> >>
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>> > --
>> > P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  -
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>> >
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