[p2p-research] Fwd: Article in the next issue of the hacking magazine Phrack. Request.

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 7 14:28:30 CEST 2010

Dear friends,

the authors of the post-Wikileaks project below, wish to keep this
discussion internal, so thanks for not forwarding it yet, but they welcome
any comments.

also, if you want to collaborate, or spread the word at a later stage,
please contact them directly via the cc address,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <projectmayhem at hushmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 4:22 AM
Subject: Article in the next issue of the hacking magazine Phrack. Request.
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

Dear Mr. Bauwens,

We would like you to know that your work not only on p2p but very
specially, your article 'The next Buddha will be a collective
Spiritual expression in the peer to peer era' has been of great
inspiration to us.

The attached article has been sent to the hacking magazine Phrack,
the voice of the hacking community since 1985. Phrack staff is keen
to publish it.

The article is titled 'Project Mayhem 2012: Tyler.'

In a project like WikiLeaks.org, the role of the Editor is in great
 personal danger and in risk of being 'totally incapacitated'
—CIA's  phrase to refer to the act of presumably killing the
'Pentagon  Papers' whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg—  by potential
enemies while  it dramatically slows down the release process.

The article aims to solve this, by proposing the creation of a
Massively Distributed Uncensorable Collaborative Wiki-P2P
Cipherspace Structure that will implement a distributed and
crowdsourced karma-based TRUST 'Authority' in order to maximize
leaks visibility while minimizing information poisoning.

We honestly believe that this project and cryptography have the
potential to completely turn upside down the role of citizen
journalism in our society while helping to dramatically improve
Justice and Freedom in the World.

Before it be published we would kindly like to invite you to read
it and to give us your opinion about it.

Please do not let the word 'mayhem' frighten you.

We considered the possibility that the idea be misunderstood with
this name. Yet, at the same time, it plays with a powerful
emotional response aimed at arising one what is in our opinion of
the strongest means to 'hack' the human brain: curiosity. Machines
are usually hacked via 'interlink bugs', while humans are usually
hacked via 'limbic system' bugs, if you allow us the metaphore.

This curiosity leads to attention. And this takes us to the next
phase in the project: Art.

You will see that it's not just a technical article but more like a
'mind virus'. As Julian says, 'people need to show COURAGE, not
just technology. In a way, technology is often just a cipher to get
people to drop their existing understandings, which are based on
illusory fears. Illusory fear is enough for control.'

We have thought intensely about this as well, as we truly believe
that a  social revolution that seriously aims at hacking the
society and all of its systems at the global scale cannot take
place unless a personal inner revolution has taken place first.

We thorougly think that Art serves this function in the Homo
Sapiens Sapiens.

Or, in the words of Joseph Beuys:

"Art is now the only evolutionary-revolutionary power. Only art is
capable of dismantling in order to build â??A SOCIAL ORGANISM AS A
of freedom the position of freedom that he experiences at first-
hand learns to determine the other positions of the TOTAL ART WORK

After loads of 'brain hacking' and introspection, we have come to
the conclusion that Courage and Creativity are powerfully connected
in the Human Being: it takes loads of Courage to be an Artist. A
REAL Artist.

Not just any kind of artist but one of those that dare to brake
boundaries and to push the limits of our Consciousness as what we
are capable of as species.

We see Artists as the pioneers of new realms of Consciousness: in
our mind  there's NO difference whatsoever between an Artist that
breaks boundaries and a hacker, a scientist or a philosopher like
yourself who pushes the systems to their limits and way beyond what
is seen as 'possible'.

We see Art as hijacked by the market: in every human being sleeps
an artist waiting to arise.

Project Mayhem aims to bring out the Artist in all of us as a way
to breed the Courage needed to pursue our Freedom in the wider

We plan to launch a 'call-to-arms' to artists everywhere in the
world to 'subvert' their own Art by subtly injecting the phrase
'Project Mayhem 2012' in their works.

Media will see that this is not just a project about 'mayhem' but a
call to action in the most positive and beautiful way: a call to
honesty in all the realms of our social life.

Art has not only to be beautiful: it has to be HONEST, which is
what we are aiming to happen within social institutions as well.

Our questions:

1. Would you be prepared to give it a voice and support this idea

2. Whom other persons within your sphere of influence might show a
strong and positive interest in learning about this  project?

3. Do you know someone who knows someone who might know some
mainstream artist, with a big media impact, whom might understand
the idea and show a strong positive attitude towards it?

The highest the impact, the easiest it will be that journalists and
the public at large understand this idea as what it is: a call to
UNITE to build something together to allow Justice and Freedom and,
perhaps most importantly, Beauty, to flourish at last.

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,


P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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