[p2p-research] In Defense of Worker Ownership

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 11:56:02 CEST 2010

hi patrick, see inline ..

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com> wrote:

> Michel Bauwens wrote:
> > "abolish human rentals", where the very
> > fact of hiring workers is challenged ...
> I've responded to you on that thread.
> > (only against your wish to make this a new
> > totalittarian system for  the whole of society)
> Michel!  I never said that, and doubt anything
> I said could be construed as such.
> My approach to a solution is through incorporation.
> I don't have anywhere near enough money to buy
> the legislation needed to change government in a
> totalitarian manner.

I was not suggesting a power grab, but referring to the fact that you think
there is a single solution that should be adopted by the whole world ..

> I want to start a business under a new organizational
> model, but want to get that model debugged before
> I invest the little bit of money I have saved - so that
> I don't just fail as most small business owners do...

I think that is a great plan, though I don't think you can iron out all
problems through reasoning alone, only through practice, things that don't
work in theory can work in practice, and vice versa

> > , but prefer that both consumers and producers own
> > their means of production to the maximum extent
> I want producers to have ownership IF IT IS THE
> RIGHT THING, but have not yet seen a good
> argument for them spending their value in that
> direction.
> What I propose - even as it stands now - does not
> *disallow* workers from investing in the Means of
> Production.

that is also good news to me, this keeps the solution pluralistic and

> I don't care *who* is right.
> All I care is *what* is right.
> And the reason I care is because we need to get
> this figured out so we can incorporate in a new
> way that will protect us from the current system.
> I kept asking why the workers need ownership
> because I didn't understand why they needed it.
> Even now I still don't understand, but I think
> it is best to concede that point partially so I
> can attract others to invest with me since it is
> such a hot psychological issue.

that shows you are open to the dialogue and other points of view

> But will try to understand and merge the ideas of
> the workers needing extra ownership in everything
> they operate so we can get this party started.

I'm very happy with this new direction in your thinking, I think a more
flexible approach to the consumer/worker tension can lead to a new synergy,

sorry to be to harsh in my judgment on occasion,

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