[p2p-research] In Defense of Worker Ownership

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 11:49:04 CEST 2010

Michel Bauwens wrote:
> "abolish human rentals", where the very
> fact of hiring workers is challenged ...

I've responded to you on that thread.

> (only against your wish to make this a new
> totalittarian system for  the whole of society)

Michel!  I never said that, and doubt anything
I said could be construed as such.

My approach to a solution is through incorporation.

I don't have anywhere near enough money to buy
the legislation needed to change government in a
totalitarian manner.

I want to start a business under a new organizational
model, but want to get that model debugged before
I invest the little bit of money I have saved - so that
I don't just fail as most small business owners do...

> , but prefer that both consumers and producers own
> their means of production to the maximum extent

I want producers to have ownership IF IT IS THE
RIGHT THING, but have not yet seen a good
argument for them spending their value in that

What I propose - even as it stands now - does not
*disallow* workers from investing in the Means of

The thing that will determine where ownership flows
in the system I envision will be the treatment of Profit.

If the "Terms of Incorporation" says part of Profit
must be treated as the Worker's investment, then
they will gain ownership alongside the Consumer.

Since I don't see this as a major threat to the idea
as a whole, I am going to try to assimilate it into
the new form so I can get this business going.

> I remember you had no concrete interest in
> implementing it, only to talk and argue about it,

Well, I didn't have any money back then, and was
still trying to iron out the bugs, so couldn't yet go
forward with implementation.

> and to convince people 'by reason', that
> your system is the best ever

Sorry that is what you see.  I think Kevin has a
similar view according to his "Rosetta Stone"
comments in the past...

I don't care *who* is right.
All I care is *what* is right.

And the reason I care is because we need to get
this figured out so we can incorporate in a new
way that will protect us from the current system.

I kept asking why the workers need ownership
because I didn't understand why they needed it.

Even now I still don't understand, but I think
it is best to concede that point partially so I
can attract others to invest with me since it is
such a hot psychological issue.

One problem I will have when changing the
"Terms of Operation" is to know how much
the Workers should receive compared to those
who pay at the point-of-sale.

> I favour the sovereignty of the creators of value,
> that's all, it's an a priori preference, and I accept,

I also want those who add value to be sovereign.

And for those who do not add value (bankers and
bums) to have little or no say.

I see that sovereignty coming through ownership
in the Means of what those workers consume.

But will try to understand and merge the ideas of
the workers needing extra ownership in everything
they operate so we can get this party started.

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