[p2p-research] Fwd: Supernova 2010 Wrap Up

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 07:58:39 CEST 2010

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From: Supernova 2010 <info at supernovagroup.net>
Date: Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 10:06 PM
Subject: Supernova 2010 Wrap Up
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

   <http://www.supernovahub.com/>  Dear Michel,

*Supernova Forum 2010* <http://www.supernovahub.com/> last week brought
hundreds of technology thought leaders together in Philadelphia for a
concentrated series of conversations about the transformations of the
Network Age. Here are some highlights:

Top Comcast executive *David Cohen* unpacked the converging media and
broadband landscape. *danah boyd *and *Jeff Jarvis *surfaced insights on
privacy and publicness in a fast-paced, intense dialogue. *Beth
Noveck*offered an inside look at the Obama Administration's Open
initiative, and representatives from the FCC, Commerce Department, and
Congress chimed in throughout on key tech policy issues. Our unconference
featured dynamic sessions by *Heather Gold *and* Deborah Schultz*, *Alex
Hillman*, *Bob Frankston*, *Anil Dash *and *Gina Trapani*, and *Jeff Pulver*,
among others. We heard why one startup awards a prize for biggest failure,
and how some of the world's smartest professors underestimated the power of
digital connectivity. We learned how social media can help small companies
act big, and big companies act small. Five *Pecha Kucha* talks outlined the
restructuring of everything from school to community engagement in less than
seven minutes. And we finished with *Brad Garlinghouse* describing
bulldozing the guardhouse at AOL headquarters, followed by a spirited
exchange with *Allan Frank* and *Chris Lehmann* on prospects for radical
reform of local governments and education.

All in all, quite an amazing day and a half!

*Continue the Conversation*

We are continuing to add content to our social media channels. To get a
taste of Supernova 2010, and join the ongoing discussions, we invite you to

   - Archived video of sessions livestreamed during the conference by
   Ustream on our Supernova Ustream
   We will post video from additional sessions soon on the Supernova
   - Speaker presentations on our Slideshare

   - Real-time session
our graphic recorder, Jonny Goldstein.
   - Video interviews and blog
commentary<http://www.supernovahub.com/conversation>on our Supernova
   - Conference photos
<http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=sn10&s=int&m=tags>on Flickr. Upload
yours with tag "sn10".
   - Our conference Twitter feed <http://www.twitter.com/supernovahub> will
   continue to highlight the ongoing conversation.

*Special Thanks*

Supernova would not be possible without the support of many leading
organizations, both small and large. We thank our roster of Supernova Forum
2010 sponsors <http://supernovahub.com/sponsors>:

*Produced in Partnership With:* The Wharton

*Program Sponsors*

   - Comcast <http://www.comcast.com/>
   - MailChimp <http://www.mailchimp.com/>
   - American Express OPEN <http://www.open.com/>
   - Wharton Interactive Media Initiative<http://www.whartoninteractive.com/>
   - Wharton Entrepreneurial Programs <http://wep.wharton.upenn.edu/>
   - Klein Dytham Architecture <http://www.klein-dytham.com/>
   - NextGenWeb <http://www.nextgenweb.org/>

*Policy Day Sponsor*

   - Google <http://www.google.com/>

*Challenge Sponsors*

   - AT&T <http://www.att.com/>
   - Morgan Lewis & Bockius <http://www.morganlewis.com/>

*Graphic Recording*

   - Envizualize <http://www.envizualize.com/>, by Jonny Goldstein

*Livestreaming Provider*

   - Ustream <http://www.ustream.com/>

*Media Sponsors*

   - Knowledge at Wharton <http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/>
   - Mashable <http://www.mashable.com/>
   - Technically Philly <http://www.technicallyphilly.com/>
   - Philly Startup Leaders <http://www.phillystartupleaders.org/>
   - AdWeb 3.0 <http://www.aw30.com/>
   - Laughing Squid <http://www.laughingsquid.com/>

And of course, thanks to all the participants, both in-person and virtual,
who made Supernova Forum 2010 successful.
Kevin Werbach

*Supernova: Be challenged. Be provocative. Be productive.*

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Supernova Group | 825 Stoke Road | Villanova | PA | 19085

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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