[p2p-research] Blogpost: From Silicon Valleys to Community Informatics Neighbourhoods-Digital Development Strategies as Though Local Economies Mattered

Michael Gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 08:18:33 CEST 2010

Not much new for you folks but may be of interest.



Many (most) countries in the world have in the decade just passed, developed
and at least partially implemented what may be called a "digital development
strategy".  These strategies are based on a perception that the kind of
economic activity that has resulted from the technical/digital development
taking place in Silicon Valley and similar such locales particularly in the
US is a necessary element of the economic development strategy for any/every
country that wants to be competitive and thus prosperous at this time in
economic history....Whether these ecologies can be reproduced is one thing,
whether the attempt should be made to reproduce them is something else. 

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