[p2p-research] Fwd: Fw: The Story Behind "Integral Abuse"

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 30 10:24:01 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Bauwens <michelsub2003 at yahoo.com>
Date: Apr 30, 2010 3:02 PM
Subject: Fw: The Story Behind "Integral Abuse"
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

----- Forwarded Message ----
*From:* William Yenner <will at kazooweb.net>
*To:* michelsub2003 at yahoo.com
*Sent:* Fri, April 30, 2010 3:02:43 AM
*Subject:* The Story Behind "Integral Abuse"

*The Story Behind:
Integral Abuse: Andrew Cohen and the Culture of Evolutionary Enlightenment
*An ongoing story *

April 29, 2010
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  On Tuesday this week I
received an email from Be Scofield telling me for the first time about his
article "Integral Abuse: Andrew Cohen and the Culture of Evolutionary
told me that the article was posted at Tikkun
a blog at Tikkun Magazine which he writes for. I was delighted and even
happier when I read the piece, and quickly began to spread the word.

However within a couple of hours the post disappeared from Tikkun, with no
explanation. I wrote to Be asking what had happened, and didn't hear back
from him. Overnight a friend helped me recover the article from the memory
at Google. I now had the article, and began to share it. I still had not
heard what happened to it, so in sharing it my cover note said simply that
it had been taken down with no explanation from Tikkun as to why.

On Wednesday, I received an email from Be saying he had reworked and added
more to the article and it was now posted on his personal blog, God Bless
the Whole World<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103350812342&s=1326&e=001IjL6xoJOAHCD3TuGT2Rpngc_iYsvhN19lZZV9_Baodb7e3tUBznJh_6DnkueyCRQanP1Yigdewy4cQ6auSqw0nUjR8n-qw2kfboHu5V27vRQuQ0MHhDhoO1N1pALqLimzSIJJH6x-3hhURNeI9vw7wMVNilatClocqK-rgCR8rxQqFLKD4u_pnEqkA5Q2CGqp-M-ki6Zqr7_bE0liCVVdir7fgzVZBbSCj2F-fFdXLQ=>.
He said that Tikkun took it down due to stylistic and tone concerns, and not
due to content or subject matter. He said that with the guidance of editor
Dave Beldon at Tikkun, he will also be preparing a new version which will be
posted later on Tikkun Daily.

Since the article was posted on God Bless yesterday, there has been a huge
outpouring of interest. I sent a notice about it to my list of 1500 names
and already I've gotten more mail about this than anything before. I also
have heard from the grapevine that many people and institutional groups are
now sharing and discussing this new piece - finally recognizing that
something very dire is going on in the name of spirit in our community.

I really hope that the tide is turning.

William Yenner
author of
American Guru; A Story of Love, Betrayal and Healing
- former students of Andrew Cohen speak out

     [image: COVER]
In American Guru<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103350812342&s=1326&e=001IjL6xoJOAHChaFs1KL-74afRVM59KeRSPN1iuCwOVQwPlMlzSE2U7ME_Rdtjd2KloaeRk2jG0UM5V0-9z6bonAXaQxX8Fj-HbgjFmDBe0KA=>,
William Yenner and his colleagues share their insights into the origins and
trajectory of EnlightenNext and its leader Andrew Cohen, documenting a
history of abuses that Cohen and many of his current devotees have gone to
great lengths to conceal.

Available at Amazon<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103350812342&s=1326&e=001IjL6xoJOAHDM6Xx_WQmNOC0spD5N6tQjQrWcBR-d6GGDMmj8I6nEc4OBtI7zIt242R1pIrZiF8SLf4TQct5eWxaijb7hAiBGfMujRdR2FdeI9b4t8xKUfHzqrGhF7YwidjdT9RiW7PKuu9DmHUvZof1XsroTKBCb-pG1cluqMiqZLXMLPYFVf55L7toD0yHc-JpEaLM9y5s99_qbxOtq-CtACf79Jaq6F7fQZs_TN1lWt3pTatCVdDp3rf9uHHyfHG7us2Ptd3o=>

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This email was sent to michelsub2003 at yahoo.com by will at kazooweb.net.
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