[p2p-research] mass collaboration projects in australia

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 11:33:26 CEST 2010

Michel Bauwens wrote:
> how can we better accommodate mass collaborative projects
> making changes in the real world?

Similar to how the GNU GPL uses Copyright to solve the problems of
Copyright, we can use Property rights to solve the problems of
Property rights.

Copyleft seems hypocritical because it *requires* Copyright to enforce
it's solution to power concentration within the virtual (sacred or
spiritual) world.

PropertyLeft is a analogous approach that will use Property rights to
enforce a solution to power in the physical (profane or bodily) realm.

So the first step is to allow ourselves the notion that we can co-own
Physical Sources such as Farms and Factories in a 'moral' or
'righteous' manner.

Then we must write the contract that we will choose to apply to such
property for the purpose of ensuring Freedom for all of it's Users

Owners of "Intellectual Property" *choose* to tie their own hands -
and the hands of anyone else building upon those resources - when the
*choose* to apply the GNU GPL to their 'property'.

We, as co-owners of real, meatspace property can also *choose* to tie
our hands - and the hands of anyone building upon that property -
through a "Terms of Operation" that treats Price above Cost as a
Payer's investment.

This will allow us to grow while keeping us from 'accidentally'
overaccumulating wealth and power into the hands of the few that begin
the operation.

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