[p2p-research] Would like to start a dialouge with you and seek some input

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 06:24:52 CEST 2010

I would really happy to seen your contributions here Richard, we need input
from grassroots people who can report on what is happening,


On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 12:25 AM, Kevin Carson <
free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I am very impressed by your ideas and how you take some crucial economic
> > concepts to the next level, create confluences of ideas, and are readily
> > finding avenues to apply them.  I found myself following similar channels
> > and happened upon your stuff via OSE/Marcin a few years back.  Has helped
> me
> > to find some wonderful direction in thought and action.
> Nice to hear from you, Richard.  Thanks for the kind words.  I can't
> write a line of code and my "shop skills" consist of occasionally
> being able to drive a nail in straight, but the one thing I think I'm
> good at is finding and correlating patterns in ideas/events.
> > I live in Cleveland and enjoyed reading the recent article @p2p
> foundation
> > blog (i also enjoy your posts on various list-serves, and would respond
> more
> > often if I had the time).  I'm glad we are on your radar.  Evergreen is a
> > complex thing that I would like to talk to you about, as they are not
> > everything that they seem, and the Mondragon model is not the best
> approach
> > to organizing cooperatives, i would argue.  I work with Evergreen
> > cooperative solar via my dayjob and have somewhat of an inside "scoop" on
> > the situation, if you will.  However, they are opening up peoples minds
> to
> > some very exciting opportunities and possibilities.
> > Here is a shortlist of the projects I am/have been involved with: Open
> > Source Ecology, Columbia Exchange Circle, Cleveland Economic Democracy
> > Network (includes IWW, FNB, coop organizing, among other things.  we have
> > read homebrew rev in discussion groups!), Open Pario, Forward Foundation,
> > Appropedia, etc.
> It's excellent to know there's someone on the ground in Cleveland
> involved in the local economic democracy and cooperative initiatives,
> who's also been involved in so much open manufacturing stuff.
> > I would really like to chat sometime soon, as i would like to have some
> of
> > your input on some of our (CEDNET) efforts around organizing truly
> > cooperative, distributed networks of micromanufacturing shops, and other
> > types of worker cooperatives, exchange systems, group purchasing and
> ag-coop
> > style syndicate organising.  We are serious, have skills, funding
> sources,
> > experience, and are drawing up some concrete plans.  A decent amount of
> the
> > folks in CEDNET have a variety of manufacturing experience, and we have
> > worked with, in various capacities, and are beginning to approach workers
> > and local leaders in the interest of organizing with displaced workers
> via
> > USW, IUE, UAW,WU, etc.  Also, Forward Foundation has been doing local
> > economic development projects all over, and has some great connections
> > throughout the rust-belt.  They have clients who are looking to scale up
> > some big micromanufacturing projects in Pittsburgh.
> >
> > So, would you be interested in getting a dialouge going? You can respond
> via
> > email, or eventually drop me a line at 440.476.7984 and/or 216.482.7617.
> I
> > also live in the ohio city neighborhood of cleveland, and you are free to
> > come by anytime and meet up with us (not sure where you are situated).
> I'm not sure how much help I can be, since (as I mentioned) my shop
> and software skills are nil and I have no organizational talent at
> all.  My main goal in writing the post at P2P Blog was to make the two
> sides (the Cleveland cooperative folks and the P2P/Open Manufacturing
> folks) aware of each other's existence and maybe foster some links
> between them.  The fact that there's someone on Cleveland who's
> invovled in both is very heartening.  It's also good that you've
> worked with Sam Rose.  Just off the top of my head, I would suggest
> subscribing to the P2P Foundation email list and the Open
> Manufacturing list at Google Groups, if you're not already a member.
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing?pli=1
> I'm not sure how much contact or input you have with the Democracy
> Collaborative or Community-Wealth or any of the other official bodies,
> but it would be interesting to see the results if some organization
> like OSE, the Austin Fab Lab people, a nearby hackerspace, or
> 100kGarages approached them officially,  organization to organization.
>  Also if you know anyone with a ShopBot or other tools currently being
> accepted into the 100kGarages network, they might make some overtures.
> FWIW, given that I'm completely out of touch with the situation on the
> ground, it seems to me that anything that can spur
> organization-to-organization contacts and increase the visibility of
> the micromanufacturing movement to those in the upper  levels of the
> Cleveland initiatives would be very imporant.
> I'm cc'ing this  to both lists in hopes someone closer to the center
> of things can help.
> Best,
> Kevin
> --
> Kevin Carson
> Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
> Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
> http://mutualist.blogspot.com
> The Homebrew Industrial Revolution:  A Low-Overhead Manifesto
> http://homebrewindustrialrevolution.wordpress.com
> Organization Theory:  A Libertarian Perspective
> http://mutualist.blogspot.com/2005/12/studies-in-anarchist-theory-of.html
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> p2presearch at listcultures.org
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