[p2p-research] DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 14:11:58 CEST 2010

indeed fascinating one,


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 12:20 AM, Daniel Araya <daniel at levelsixmedia.com>wrote:

> Interesting conference in Toronto:
> DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media
> Centre for the Study of the United States, Munk School of Global Affairs
> University of Toronto
> Nov 12-14, 2010
> http://diycitizenship.com/
> Call for papers/presentations: due May 20, 2010
> Plenary speakers include: Anne Balsalmo, Suzanne de Castell, Ron Deibert,
> Paul Dourish, Henry Jenkins, Jennifer Jenson, Natalie Jeremijenko, Steve
> Mann, Trebor Scholz.
> Conference Organizers: Prof. Megan Boler, Associate Chair, Department of
> Theory and Policy Studies in Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in
> Education, University of Toronto; Prof. Matthew Ratto Assistant Professor,
> Faculty of Information, University of Toronto; Director, Critical Making
> Lab, University of Toronto
> A renewed emphasis on participatory forms of digitally-mediated production
> is transforming our social landscape. ‘Making’ has become the dominant
> metaphor for a variety of digital and digitally-mediated practices. The web
> is exploding with independently produced digital ‘content’ such as video
> diaries, conversations, stories, software, music, video games—all of which
> are further transformed and morphed by “modders,†“hackers,†artists
> and activists who redeploy and repurpose corporately-produced content.
> Equally, communities of self-organized crafters, hackers, and enthusiasts
> are increasingly to be found online exchanging sewing and knitting patterns,
> technical guides, circuit layouts, detailed electronics tutorials and other
> forms of instruction and support. Many of these individuals and
> collaborators understand their work to be socially interventionist. Through
> practices of design, development, and exchange they challenge traditional
> divides between production and consumption and to redress the power
> differentials built into technologically-mediated societies.
> “DIY Citizenship†invokes the participatory nature of these diverse
> “do-it-yourself†modes of engagement, community, networks, and
> tools—all of which arguably replace traditional with remediated notions of
> citizenship. The term “critical making†refers to the increasing role
> ‘making’ plays in critical forms of social reflection and engagement.
> This interactive conference seeks to extend conversations about new modes
> of engaged DIY citizenship and politics evidenced by the exponential
> increase of DIY media, “user-generators†, “prosumers,â€
> “hacktivists,†tactical media interventionists, and other ‘maker’
> identities. We invite scholars, activists, artists, designers, programmers
> and others interested in the social and participatory dimensions of
> digitally-mediated practices, to engage in dialogue across disciplinary and
> professional divides. All methodological and theoretical approaches are
> welcomed. Submissions may include paper proposals, works of art and/or
> design, short video or audio segments, performances, video games, digital
> media, or other genres and forms. Potential topics include: the relation
> between social media and the ‘making’ of new forms of citizenship
> engagement—thus, for example, making movements; making community; making
> news; making play; making bodies; making health; making public; making
> education; making networks.
> For the full conference call, see:
> http://diycitizenship.com/

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